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I woke up with a pounding headache. I opened my eyes and realized that I was in the WWE medical room. I groaned and sat up I felt a pain  on my forehead I touched it and realized that I had stitches on my head. The doctor gave me some Advil and water. I took the pills with my water and gave the cup back to the doctor. He said that I was able to go back to my dressing room but I couldn't wrestle for a week.

I went back to my dressing room to see gifts all over the floor. There was a note that said "Don't think that we forgot your birthday" I smiled and went to open my gifts. I got gifts from Enzo, Cass, Sasha, Bayley, Randy, Dean, Steph and Paul and a present from Carmellla I was beyond surprised that she got me a gift.

She got me this stuff alone.

There was also a note that said

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There was also a note that said

"Dear Kalani I'm really sorry for the way that I've been treating you. I have now learned that I can't fight for something I never had. I hope you like these gifts and maybe we can go hangout some time. Your a really cool person and I wish that we can be friends."

I was so happy that I ran out of my dressing room just to find her. Once I found her I screamed "CARMELLA" then ran and jumped into her arms. She hugged me back instantly and we stood there for a couple minutes until it got awkward. I hoped down from her arms and she just kept saying "I'm so so so sorry for everything I really am" I smiled and hugged her again and said "It's no problem I learned to forgive and forget" with that we walked back to my dressing room to finish opening all of my birthday presents.

I got so much more stuff...

After that Leah left and it was just me alone in the room

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After that Leah left and it was just me alone in the room. Now don't think that just because I got gifts from Zo he's off the hook. Yeah I still love him a lot but I just don't know. There was a knock on my door so I opened it up to reveal the one and only Enzo Amore. He walked inside and took a seat on the chair.

"Listen Kalani I know that I've done some things in the past that you won't forgive but the thing is I still love you and I'm afraid. I've never been married before and it's a scary thing for me. I miss you so much Mi Amor and I wouldn't do anything stupid no more."

I almost started crying at that point. I jumped into his arms and just kissed him. I missed his lips so much and I just missed him. "Did you know your very Bellissimo"(beautiful) I laughed and nodded my head. "You need to go shower and change we are going out for your birthday" with that he left. I packed up my stuff and got into the rental car and drove to the hotel.

I got my key to my room from the front desk. I ran up to my room to shower. I was sharing a room with Leah and I was excited to say the least. I showered washed my hair and shaved everything. I put my robe on and walked out to see Leah on her bed. "Thank god your done I need to shower so we can get going" I just laughed and went to my suitcase to fine something to wear.

I decided on this ...

After that I waited for Leah and she came out in this

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After that I waited for Leah and she came out in this.

After she did her hair we grabbed our purses and phones and we were out the door

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After she did her hair we grabbed our purses and phones and we were out the door. We took the elevator and went down to the lobby. Everyone was there waiting for us so when we got there everyone started clapping for me. I took a bow and walked to my husband.

"I really appreciate you doing this for me I love this and I love you so damn much. You mean the world to me and I couldn't be happier with anyone else." I gave him a hug then he cupped my cheeks and gave me a big kiss on my lips. We all left and I got to choose where I wanted to go for the night. Keep in mind it's past 11:00 and some places are closed at this time.

After looking for a little bit I found a restaurant that was open so we decided to try it. We walked in and the lady at the front said "Hello there welcome to The New York Steakhouse how many?" I looked behind me and said "About 30" she nodded her head and said "Ok give me one moment" I just nodded my head. I turned to Zo and he said "There is one more surprise for you tonight" I smiled and laid my head on his chest.

The lady seated us at the table and she took our drink orders, but when she got to Zo she wouldn't stop flirting with him so I said "Excuse me ma'am but if you don't leave my husband the hell alone I will beat your ass in front of everyone in this restaurant" after that she looked terrified but took our orders anyway.

After that she came back with our drinks but another girl came and took our orders. We all ordered our food and waited. I had to use the bathroom so I called Leah to come with me. Everyone gave me weird looks but I just ignored them. We walked into the bathroom because I needed to fix my makeup.

After I fixed it we walked back out to everyone else. As soon as I sat down "Explain" was all I heard. "Guys me and Leah are friends now so stop bugging me" with that I everyone shut up and our food finally came. After we ate we paid for our food and went back to the hotel.

"Your surprise is waiting in your new room" with that Zo handed me a room key. I gave him a kiss on the lips and waited for Leah. I told her that we were switching rooms so we packed up  all our stuff and went to our new room. Our room was now on the 5th floor so we took the elevator.

Once we found the room we walked inside and saw presents and flowers. I walked into the bedroom to see a blondie sitting on he bed. "Um hello?" She looked up and she jumped straight into my arms. "OMG LIVVY I MISSED YOU SO DAMN MUCH!!" I was literally squeezing the life out of her.

"I missed you too boo" I let her go and went to go change into my sleep clothes. Once I was done with that I saw the girls knocked out in their beds so I turned all the lights off, plugged my phone into the charger and got into bed and fell asleep right away.

How you Doin. (Enzo Amore Fanfic.)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu