Chapter 9: She Knows You

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"Krys, you are never driving ever again," I chuckled, picking up her hand in mine, and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I'm doing perfectly fine. I'm driving better than you," she teased childishly.

"Not judging by how sore you were the other day. No one drives better than me," I winked, making her blush. "Oh god, Drew! Shit! Ah! Harder, harder! Oh my god, fuck!" I imitated in her voice, making her snatch her hand away from mine.

"Sh-shit babe! Ugh, ugh, mmm! Ugh ugh," she mocked me, making me squint at her.

"That is not me, that must be Matthew," I grumbled. Yes, I know, we were being completely immature, but we had our moments.

"Shut the hell up, and stop referring to him. I told you, I'm with you now! You're so damn insecure," she scoffed, swerving and taking a left at a light, the airport was a block away.

"I am not insecure. If you would've just went with us being together, instead of dating him, we wouldn't be here, now would we?!" I snapped.

"If you wouldn't have broken the rules, we could've still been in the friend-zone, bullshitting about our feelings," she mumbled.

"Babe, this is so stupid... Let's just drop it." I noticed we were pulling into the airport, but with this traffic, it would take almost an hour to get through.

A half hour later, we were still stuck in the swarm of cars. Silence overtook the car, until we inched a little forward, and airplanes, and thousands of people drowned the silence. We finally parked, and I helped Krys out. She had no choice but to hold my hand, because she hated airports. She hated large masses of people really, but had there been wine and music, she would've done just fine.

"Why are we here?" I raised my eyebrow as we entered.

"Just checking out some stuff for my brother," she answered dryly, making me roll my eyes. I stopped, pulling her back to me, and looking down at her. I bit my lip, she looked so perfect, even with a messy bun, my hoodie, and tights. I had to fight the urge to throw her on any flat surface around here, and take her.

"Look baby, that went too far. I'm sorry for being insecure, and I apologize for arguing with you," I leaned my head against her forehead, kissing her briefly.

"Yeah, I apologize too. We were being so childish," she giggled and I nodded in agreement.

"Kisses?" I smirked as she stood on her tippy toes, pressing a deep kiss to my lips. Her arms snaked around my neck as I deepened it, sending my tongue to venture, even though it had been there plenty. We pulled away, and I chucked at her as she frowned.

"What?!" She whined.

"Nothing. I love you, princess."

"I love you more," Krystal smiled. Her arms went limp, and slid off of my shoulders and I immediately missed her being close to me. We continued to walk, until Krys stopped randomly in the middle of the bottom floor.

"Andrew! Krys!" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I dropped Krys's hand, and turned to see my little brother.

Aiden was finally home.

"Dude! Look at you!" I yelled, pulling him into a hug. He had two or so inches on me, died his hair blonde, and actually had muscles. There was a pretty, young girl behind him. She looked just like I imagined: Carmel skin, short hair, and a beautiful smile; he talked about her all of the time.

We hugged, then stepped back laughing hysterically over and over before Krys got annoyed and separated us.

"You have a sister too," she grimaced.

A Little More (Spinoff of Wanted)  (BMWW)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz