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Caffeine. If Sasuke didn't get caffeine in the next five seconds then somebody was going to die.

"You really aren't a morning person, are you?" Naruto chuckled as he poured hot water into the cafetiere and set two mugs on the counter.

"You say that every morning," Sasuke muttered groggily, digging the heel of his palm into his eyes and rubbing viciously. "Is it ready yet?"

"No, it needs to brew," Naruto replied, scratching his bare stomach and leaning against the counter in his boxers. His eyes fell on Sasuke who was slumped at the kitchen table, legs spread wide and clad only a pair of sleeping pants. "How do you manage to look ridiculously sexy even when in your caffeine withdrawal?"

"Secret," Sasuke grumbled, crossing his arms on the table and dropping his head on them. "I'll have to kill you if I tell you."

Three years of this had desensitized Naruto to most death threats that left Sasuke's mouth. "Uh-huh," he said absently as he tugged on the small black bar in his lip, which amazingly was still surviving Tsunade's increased strictness with uniform. Speaking of which...

"I'm gonna go and get dressed," he announced. "The coffee'll be ready in a few minutes."


"Don't forget to put sugar in mine."


The blond chuckled under his breath and went into the bedroom, running a hand through his hair as he approached the closet and got his clothes out for work. On went the tight black shirt that he had trouble keeping on when Sasuke was about, followed by the blinding yellow pants that did the opposite and tended to ward Sasuke off. He slung the suspenders over his shoulders and then sat on the bed to pull on his socks and steel-capped boots.

His overjacket was hanging on the coat rack in the hall along with his helmet and he would put them on just before he left. Hearing Sasuke tinkering in the kitchen, he moved over to the mirror and began to fiddle with his hair even though it would just get flattened by the helmet anyway.

"Is my coffee ready yet?" he yelled out to the kitchen, snickering under his breath when Sasuke swore.

"Get your ass out here and find out for your fucking self." Well, he was speaking in sentences which meant he had at least drunk a little bit of his coffee. It was a start.

Naruto clomped back into the kitchen, fully aware of dark eyes following him as he walked over to the counter and picked up his coffee. "Did you put sugar in it?"

Sasuke took a long sip of his own, despite the fact that it probably scalded his tongue. "Dunno."

Naruto rolled his eyes but took a tentative sip. Sasuke had put sugar in it, he was just being his usual bastardly self. "Nice coffee," he commented before moving over to the small table and flopping down in the only other seat. Sasuke glared at him through slits for eyes.

"Would it hurt to be human every once in a while?"

"Probably as much as it'll hurt when I shove a stick up your ass if you don't shut up."

Naruto pouted, the inside of his labret bar chinking against his teeth as he did so. "So mean. Why do I live with you again?"

"Because you're mine and you'd miss not getting your ass pounded into the sheets every night. And morning. And lunchtime." The corner of Sasuke's mouth curved into a wicked little smirk, eyes glinting with mischief.

"Aha! A smile!" Naruto cried, pointing at Sasuke's face. "You are capable of emotion!" He pretended to scribble madly in a notebook. "Oh what fantastic observations for my research!"

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