BIG BIG THANK YOU (a/n) + meet the author

8.2K 134 146

Oh my goodness 100k?! It's been my dream to have a book reach a 100k and that wouldn't be possible with out all of you guys! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the comments, votes and just plain reading the book! I appreciate it all so much and I do see all of your comments and i know don't respond to all of them but just know I do see them! They always make me smile knowing people appreciate my writings and enjoy it! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

                     Meet the Author:

                     Meet the Author:

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So this is me! *don't catfish with my picture or i will hunt you down* but anyway! Um i am a natural brunette but my natural hair color is a lot darker then the one i have now!1

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So this is me! *don't catfish with my picture or i will hunt you down* but anyway! Um i am a natural brunette but my natural hair color is a lot darker then the one i have now!
1. I'm shortish
2. I am an only child
3. I live in America, more specifically Ohio
4. I have three dogs
5. I have one bird
6. I have two guinea pigs
7. My favorite subject is; English and Physics!
8. My birthdays December 28th!
9. My favorite authors are William Shakespeare and John Green.
10. I have Depression and Social Anxiety
11.  My favorite decade is...the 50's- 80's
12. I like animals!!!
13. I speak Spanish and currently am learning German.
14. I play Guitar/Sing and in a band.
15. Music is my life.
16. I am 15 years old!
FUN FACT: In October I will be going on a trip to Ireland!!

So that's all about me! If you wanna know more just ask them in the comments! Thank you all again for 100k!


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