Playful (Bucky Barnes x reader)

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[Requested by @bunkeyice]

You laid on the white leather couch in Stark Tower bored out of your mind. The Avengers had a Day off for once and everyone was doing something on there own so you didn't have anyone to Talk to or hang out with. You had already watched a few movies and had a mini marathon of Supernatural.

You groaned loudly and sat up.

"I'm so Bored!" You proclaimed even though there was no one to hear you.

"So am I." You heard a deep voice say which you knew immediately belonged to Bucky. Who you figured would have been out with Steve. You turned around to see him in a black tank top and sweat pants. He looked pretty hot, Captain America be damned but Bucky was some real eye-candy. His hair was in a small pony tail which made him look adorable and his tank top showed off his glorious muscles and his metal arm. He was eating a bagel,

"Well. What do you want to do?" You asked.You basically were his other best friend but you also had feelings for him so you pushed them down whenever you two would hang out. It honestly annoyed the fire out of you, he was just the one crush that you couldn't get over that easily.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" He asked smirking at you. He would get like this on occasion super playful and flirty.

"Well looks like we've got a problem because I don't know what I want." You replied standing up. He took another bite of his bagel accidentally getting a little bit of cream cheese on his the side of his mouth.

"You've got-" You started to say but he cut you off,

"So you don't know what you want?" He said wrapping the bottom of his tank top around his finger and bringing it up to his mouth wiping away the cream cheese. Which gave you a glimpse of his abs. You tried your best to not look at his rock hard abs, that looked like they were made by God. But it failed miserably as you continued to stare until he put his shirt down again.

You looked at him and he was smirking.

Damn it. He's teasing me. You thought.

You don't think he knows do you? Oh god no. You had talked to Nat about and then a little later that she was talking to Bucky in Russian about something. You don't think it was THAT something do you?! Oh god he can't know. I don't want to ruin our friendship. You mentally began to panic about the situation.

"Well how about we spar? I've been wanting spar all day." He said.

"I don't know. I haven't sparred you before." You replied despite you two being close you never sparred each other.

"Aw come on (Y/N). I promise to hold back a little." He said giving you puppy dog eyes. You could never resist his puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah..okay." You said sighing. At least you won't be bored for a little while. He chuckled as he finished his last bite and walked of the room headed towards the elevator with you following closely. You were wearing Athletic shorts and a old t-shirt  so you didn't really feel like changing.

You both stepped into the elevator and you pushed the button that went to the training room. You grabbed a hair tie that you had on your wrist and put your (H/L) (H/C) into a high ponytail.

"Why aren't you out with Steve?" You asked.

"I just didn't feel like going out today." Was his simple reply and then the doors opened. You both walked out and over the training mat. He grabbed the Fighters tape quickly wrapping his one human hand then tossed you the tape.

"So do you just want to have if you get pinned on the ground for 3 seconds your out?" Bucky asked as You started wrapping your right hand.

"Yeah that sounds good. 2 out of 3?" You said.

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