Not our last goodbye pt. 2 (Bucky Barnes x reader)

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You walked down the long corridor to Bucky's room. Where your true love sat in a freezing cold tube, You had began to help in finding a cure for Buck after he went under but Steve who quickly saw the stress it was causing you forced you to stop and live your life for Buck...that was a year ago. You came to Wakanda now and then to visit him and you decide to check on him one lest time before heading back to the states. You stopped in front of the room and put in your entry code. Still expecting to see Bucky stuck, asleep in the glass tube.

When the door slid open, you took one step in and collapsed to your knees. Hand over your mouth in shock,

There are on the same metal table you last saw him smiling, sat Bucky with Steve next to him still un the same white pair of pajamas. Bucky was smiling up at Steve but then noticed you on the ground,

"That's no way to great your boyfriend who's been asleep for a year." Bucky said teasingly. You shot up tears now streaming down your face and threw yourself at him nearly knocking him over. Bucky wrapped his arm around you and nuzzled his face into your neck. You had your arms around his neck, holding him tightly against you. You both took in a long, deep breathe. Breathing in each other's scent, it'd been so long since you held his warm body. So long since you smelled him, tears streamed down your face. You had your Buck back.

"It's been a long time, Doll." Bucky said quietly.

"It's been too long." You replied sobbing. Steve coughed to remind you both he was still there, you quickly turned to look at him. Reality now hitting you,

"Did you find a way? To help him?" You asked Steve.

"He wouldn't be awake if we hadn't." Steve said smiling, pleased to see you happy again.

"W-how?!" You questioned further.

"I'll explain later, I will leave you two alone. I know it's been a long time." Steve said nonchalantly then walked out of the room. You watched him go then quickly nuzzled back into Bucky.

"I missed you so much...I love you. I love you. I love you."  You rushed. Bucky chuckled something you had missed hearing.

"I love you too." Bucky whispered and kissed your head. Then you both stayed like that for a moment, just in each other's presence again. You partially where still debating if it was real or not. But you decided it was because if it wasn' wouldn't feel like this.

"I heard you." Buck said breaking the silence. You pulled away and looked at him shocked.


"I heard you, well only a few things but I still heard you. When you spoke you would appear in my dreams. Like when you and Steve through me a little birthday party, I heard you singing and I saw you standing with a cake back at my apartment with Steve behind you. Then when you said I love you all those countless times. We were both in Brooklyn in the park and when you said it for some reason I never could say it back and it made me so sad." Bucky said.

Tears welled up in your eyes, he had heard you.

"James... you kept your promise." You stuttered out.
"Of course, James Buchanan Barnes never breaks his promises." Bucky replied.

"(Y/N) will you stop crying...I don't want to see my beautiful girlfriend crying after I get out of cryo." Bucky stated kissing your cheek. You smiled still crying profusely.

"That's better." Bucky said smiling, you looked at him. Oh, how you missed those ocean blue eyes staring at you. Your eyes traveled down to his lips,

"I can't wait any longer." Buck said before crashing his lips into yours. You immediately relaxed into it and felt Bucky put his hand behind your head and pull you in closer. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him as close to you as he could be. You didn't want any space between the two of you, there had been space between you for a year and six months. Bucky's lips were chapped and warm, and both of your mouths glided together as one. You missed his lips and you missed kissing him. You missed everything, eventually you had to pull away for air.

"I love you so much James Buchanan Barnes." You whispered as you leaned your forehead against his.

"I love you too (Y/F/N)." He whispered back.  You grabbed Bucky's hand and intertwined your fingers in his.

"Hold my hand and never let go James. Promise me." You said.

"I promise."

Then you two were inseparable after that.

What's this? I actually updated and it's part two no less! Oh my god.

Uh yeah hi! It's been a while and I apologize, if just been busy out of my mind and I haven't time to write and been uninspired as crap but thank you all still for all the reads, comments and votes! I know this ending was a little sucky but I hope you all liked it!
But I seriously love you all so much and thank you for the support it really means a lot to me.

*side note* I recently posted a poetry book called "in short; it's poetry" so if you like short little poems you should check it out! Comments, feedback, votes are all appreciated! Thank you in advance!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you in the next one!

*side note* I recently posted a poetry book called "in short; it's poetry" so if you like short little poems you should check it out! Comments, feedback, votes are all appreciated! Thank you in advance! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will s...

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also enjoy this picture of steve i found

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