"You alright?" RK asks her curiously.

"Yeah... just silly thoughts." Madhu tells him.

"Okay... I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay. Love you." Madhu says and hangs up.

"You seem upset." Padmini tells Madhu as she sat next to her. "Is everything alright?"

"Is it happening too fast, Mama?" Madhu asks her curiously.

"The wedding?" Padmini asks her as she gently caressed her hair.

Madhu nods in reply. "RK is talking about having the wedding in two weeks."

"Hmmm... and you don't want to marry so fast?"

"I don't know... I want to be with him... but leaving you and going away..." Madhu tells her worriedly.

"I'll be fine." Padmini tells her lovingly.

"Yes... but then things would be different. I won't be able to stay with you as long as I want."

"Won't he let you come here?" Padmini asks her worriedly.

"He is mad, he might come with me and stay here." Madhu tells her making Padmini chuckle.

"Then what is the problem?"

"Mama... I don't know whether I am ready for marriage... so many responsibilities. I have to take care of RK, his house, I don't even know to make tea." Madhu says worriedly as she started getting worked up.

"Even I didn't know all that... you will learn slowly."

"But still Mama... Everything will change." Madhu tells her as she hugged her mother.

"Do you want to postpone the wedding?" Padmini asks her.

"No... It took RK a lot of courage to make this decision, and I won't fail him now."

"Just have faith in him, your love and yourself, and everything will fall into place."

"I know it will... but still there is a fear in me, whether I would be a good wife, a good bahu or a good Bhabhi." Madhu tells her worriedly.

"That you will, my child. You will."

"Wow... mom, this top is so pretty." Trishna says excitedly as she checked out the cute top.

"And this is also for you." Radha says as she passed a beautiful pendant.
"Oh Mom! You have the best taste!" Trishna says as she hugged her mom.

"Nothing for me?" RK asks her as he fell on the bed next to her.

"Of course! How can I forget my son?" Radha asks him as she passed him an iPad Pro.

"Awesome!" RK says excitedly as he took it from her. "I have been thinking of buying one."

"I know." Radha says smiling.

"Mom... why did you buy two of this pendant and top?" Trishna asks curiously.

"That is for Madhu." Radha tells her.

"But why same?" Trishna asks confused.

"I buy only best for my children. So how can I buy Madhu something that is not as good as yours?" Radha asks her.

"Ah!" Trishna nods understandingly.

"That is sweet." RK says smiling as he wrapped his arms around her hip.

Radha lovingly caresses his head.

"What is this?" Trishna asks seeing a jewelry box.

"That is for Madhu. It's shagun." Radha explains.

Rishabala FF : To Romance A Charming RogueWhere stories live. Discover now