"May I ask you if it is okay to put your control to the test, Luna?" The man asks.

I stand up straight and look up to him. His eyes stare into mine with such ferocity, I could feel my soul melting.

"Do what you need to do." I say simply.

I know what they are thinking, but I've been through worse. I watch as the mothers take their children away and the males stand in front of the remaining females. They expect me to lose control.

Daniel steps away and the man that slapped me those long months ago appeared. His eyes are filled with anger and vengeance. Oh crap... Before I knew what was happening, his fist connects with my face. I fall to the ground and whimper in pain but he's not finished. I feel his foot plant into my stomach multiple times until I went numb there.

He notices and lifts me up from the ground. He punches me in the face too many times to count and throws me onto the hard floor. I cough and blood spews out of my mouth. That's not good. He straddles me and begins hitting me everywhere on my upper body you could think of. My eyes start to close and I hear the older man yell something but I'm to out of it to hear. Don't kill him, don't kill him, don't kill him. I feel the man get pulled off of me and then I'm lifted up into strong arms. Sparks fly up my body and I know who is holding me.


I hear muffled yelling then everything goes black. What a day.

Kayden's POV

I can't believe she stormed off like that! I had to run after her but lost her when she got to the pack house. I went inside but right as I found her, I saw her get whisked away to the prison. I almost lost control and killed Daniel for letting her get locked up. I argued with him but he said the only way was to let this blow through on its own, even if they decide kill her, which I won't allow.

I have stayed quiet for five days but watching her get beaten to death was too much. Right as I was going to intervene, one of the Elders spoke up and commanded him to stop. Of course he didn't, so I ripped him off of her and threw him across the room. I held her close to me and I saw a small smile touch her busted lips.
I stand there and the Elder stares at Tara who is unconscious in my arms. He looks up to the crowd and stands tall.

"What you have witnessed here today is this kind, gentle woman be beaten and nearly killed to prove her innocence to us. She is of no danger to any of us! She is our Luna and we will treat her as our Luna from this day forward!"He yells proudly.

The pack erupts into cheers and I begin to leave with Tara in my arms.

'I need pack medics in my room now!' I scream through the pack link.

Every person grew silent as I said that and once I get her in my bed, the doctors burst through the door. I wish Finn were here, he's the only one I trust with my sweet Tara. They work quickly and push me aside. I want to be by her side but I'm pulled out of the room by strong arms. I turn around to see Daniel staring back at me. I growl at him for coming between my mate and I but quickly calm down. He has helped me these past few days so the least I can to for him is show some kindness. He pats my shoulder and motions for me to follow him to the kitchen. I hold up my hand and my eyes glaze over.

'Anthony, Finn. It's safe to come home.' I say through the mind link.

'On our way. Is Tara okay?' Finn asks.

'Just come home.' I say then shut off the mind link.

I follow Daniel to the kitchen and slump against the wall, falling to the ground onto my butt. I should've never let this happen! I should've not let her run off! I should've kept her at the cabin! Now she's dying! I feel tears slide down my cheeks but quickly wipe them away. I'm not going to look weak in front of my pack.

I feel Daniel's gaze on me as I sit there, totally broken. Hours go by and I don't move, I just sit there with my head in my hands. Is she okay? What's taking so long? Suddenly, the door opens and Finn comes into the kitchen. Amberley is in His arms, staring at the ceiling fan which makes me smile a bit.

I stand up and Finn walks over to me. Where's Anthony? Finn looks at me with a worried expression. I sigh and step back.

'Tara's hurt. She was nearly beaten to death.....Finn, I don't trust them with her. Please help her.' I say through the mind link.

He hands me Amberley and rushes upstairs. Big blue eyes focus on me as I smile at my baby girl. She throws her hands up and let's out a weak squeal. I laugh at her action and walk into the lounge room. I feel eyes on me and I look up to see Daniel with a perplexed look on his face. I roll my eyes and walk towards him. His eyes grow wide as he focuses on Amberley. A wide grin crosses his face as he looks up to me.

"This is Amberley?" He asks.

"this is Tara and I's daughter, Amberley Truth." I say proudly.

Daniel looks at me, very confused. He's so stupid.

"She's yours? I thou-" I cut him off with an annoyed groan.

"She's not mine mine! But she is my daughter, stupid!" I say.

"Ooh." Daniel says, finally understanding.

He stares at her and smiles.

"Can I hold her? Please!" He asks.

I don't want to let him hold my little girl but I know he isn't going to hurt her. I place her gently in his arms and step back. He lets her hold his finger and he starts babbling something to her I couldn't understand.

Okay, some people sound cute when they talk baby but some sound very creepy. Daniel sounds creepy. Poor Amberley is going to have nightmares.

"Alpha? You can see her now." A doctor said from behind me.

Without another thought, I run up to my room and quickly open the door. Her sleeping figure made my heart melt. Finn stands beside of her with a relief flooded face. I instantly relax and rush over to her. I grab her hand and bring it up to my cheek. Feeling her soft skin makes my wolf calm down.

Her eyes flutter open and she gives me a weak smile. I return it and brush the hair out of her face.

"It worked. I'm the Luna now."she croaks.

I chuckle and lean closer to her.

"Yeah, sweetie. Your the Luna. My Luna." I whisper.


She's free!!!!! No more hiding in a lonely cabin!!!

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