The Man

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"So, guess who I ran into today." I said as I walked in the house.

"What." Josh asked as the kids pulled off there shoes.

"Wendy." I said as he raised a eyebrow helping Seb pull off his jacket.

"Wendy." He asked as he hung it up and I put up Scarlett's.

"Yep, like your ex Wendy." I said as he chuckled a little.

"Okay kids. You can go play now." I said as they both smiled and ran off.

"Were you jealous Dani." He asked me as I rolled my eyes but his arms wrapped around me.

"Do I look like the jealous type Josh, I mean you did marry me." I said as my arms moved around his neck.

"I did, so how did you see Wendy today." He asked as I chuckled a little at him.

"Well Husband, I was at the store and I obviously had the kids with me." I said as he nodded his hands moving tighter around me.

"Ok and." He asked as I then told him the story.

He was chuckling when I finished as he grinned shaking his head.

"You would do that, well at least the kids don't know what happened." He said as I smiled kissing him softly.

He smiled against my lips as I pulled them away.

"I love you." I said as he smiled at me brightly.

"I love you more Dani." He said as I shrugged.

"Impossible." I said as he smiled kissing me again.

"Mommy." Seb said as I sighed softly pulling my lips away.

"Yeah buddy." I asked as Josh cursed silently.

"I'm thirsty." He said as I smiled at him.

"Then let's get a drink." I said as I gave Josh a small smile and he let me walk away.

To the fridge as I looked in it all.

"Okay, does a juice box work." I asked looking down as he nodded at me.

"Yep." He agreed happily as I chuckled and grabbed two.

"Go take one to your sister." I said softly as he nodded running off with them.

"Thanks mommy." He yelled as I laughed.

"Juice box." Josh questioned as I faced him shutting the fridge.

"We only have so much in there, we have to go shopping again." I said as he sighed at me.

"This kids, I swear are going to drive me to be poor." He said as I rolled my eyes at him.

"One its us because we're married, but 2 we are far from poor and you know it." I said as I pointed and he sighed at me.

Moving to wrap his arms around my body.

"I'm too stressed, I think you should give me a massage." He said into my neck as he nipped at me skin.

"I'm sure you'd love that, but we don't have the time." I said as he sighed again.

"There always tonight, when the kids go to bed." He offered as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Maybe, but I have to work on feeding us all so if you'd stop now." I said as he pouted against my skin.

"Your no fun." He said as I rolled my eyes again.

"You'll survive." I said as he pouted again.

"I'm sure we can just order pizza." He said moving closer to me again.

The Accidental Babies (Hart #1)Where stories live. Discover now