Extra Scene

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"You kinda should talk to him, if he really wants to be part of this." Dan said the next day as I sat at the lunch table.

"Yeah but what if he's like dad." I said as Dan took a breath.

"He's not like Dad, he said it himself he wasn't your father." Dan countered as I sighed loudly.

"Still, he could be lying." I said as Dan raised a eyebrow.

"Your trying to find reasons for this but it's not that is it, your scared of what he has to say." Dan said as I sighed at him.

"No I'm not, I'm being cautious." I defended but he was right.

I was more then scared, I was so scared it was shocking.

"You are, your scared because maybe he wasn't lying and your not used to that but he has rights as the father." Dan said as I hugged biting a fry angrily.

"I know that." I countered as he gave me a look.

"Yet your still not doing anything about it, he obviously cared about them so your going to have to talk to him." Dan said as I leaned back in my chair.

"Don't you think I know that Dan." I said in exasperation "This isn't exactly easy for me either."

"I know that, but as much as I love you Dani your avoiding it." He said as if it was just that simple.

"Then why not tell her how you feel and we'll talk." I countered back in defense.

"She's not pregnant with my children so it's not that important." He said easily knowing he was winning as I glared.

"Shut up Daniel." I muttered eating my fries.

"Just saying Danielle, your going to have to talk to him eventually." He said as before we stopped talking.

I knew he was right and I knew Josh wasn't my dad. But I didn't how it would work and it scared me.

I didn't have control over the situation because I was avoiding it. But talking to him seemed Impossible.

We didn't talk any more him just texting someone as I grumbled. I didn't know what to do but I had to do it for the babies.

They deserved the chance and I knew what I had to do.
I was working up my courage as I walked over to Josh's house to talk this out. But as I got a idea of what to say it started raining.

The water drenching my clothes as I looked up. My resolve died and I sat on the sidewalk while it poured down on me.

I cried, I'm not gonna lie I did for a little while. But looking at the babies trying to create heat for me I was going to do this.

I had to do this for them, so I got up walking the rest of the way to his house. It seemed empty and only his car seen in the drive way.

I knocked.

"Dani, what are you doing here." He asked as he looked at me in shock.

"Can we talk." I asked ignoring how cold I was but I was starting to shiver.

"Come in, you must be freezing." He said as he pulled me in the house and I was trying to get warm.

"Only a little." I said as he looked over my very wet body.

"I'll be back." He said as I stood there breathing as I hugged myself.

He came back with a towel and a pile of clothes as I stood there.

The Accidental Babies (Hart #1)Where stories live. Discover now