"Maybe he is going to take you to a fancy dinner or take you home to meet his mom or take you to the movies or to a premier or to a show or something. Who knows what goes on in his head. He is Justin Bieber. A thousand ideas could be in his mind, but he would be the only one who knows about them."

"Okay, I won't sweat it. He is Responsible. I don't think it would be anything bad. I will just dress in something nice, but comfortable at the same time."

"Okay. Also, I got in contact with some friends from elementary school, and they invited me to go to the movies with them."

"Oh, okay. That sounds like fun. What friends from Elementary?"

"Cesar, Dana, Emily, Jenifer, Ashley, and Kat."

"Oh, I remember them. They were the other kids in our small pack."

"Yeah. Too bad you are busy today, they were wondering if you wanted to come with us, but I told them you were busy today."

"Yeah. But maybe, we can hang out tomorrow or something. We can make it work."

"Yeah. We will try, maybe."

"Okay, well, I should go start getting ready for Justin's surprise he has for me."

"Okay. I'll be down here."


I just got out of a shower, and I still have two hours before Justin will be here. I wrapped myself of my bath robe, wrapped my hair in a towel, and went to my closet to see what I had to wear. I looked for about two minutes until I saw the perfect outfit.

After I got dressed, I went back to the bathroom and did my hair and makeup

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After I got dressed, I went back to the bathroom and did my hair and makeup.

When I was completely done getting ready, I went back downstairs to wait for Justin

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When I was completely done getting ready, I went back downstairs to wait for Justin. "Hey, I am done getting ready." I told Alice when i git downstairs.

"Wow.  You look pretty." She responded.

"Thank you. I didn't know what to wear, but then i saw this and decided this would be perfect." I explained.

"You look gorgouse in that dress, though. I think you look great in it."

"Thank you. You look great too." I complimented on her outfit.

" I complimented on her outfit

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"Thank you. I didn't want to dress too classy because we are going to the movies."

"Yeah. What movie are you guys going to watch?"

"We are actually watching two movies. The first one we are watching is Central Intelligence and Suicide Squad."

"Oh, okay. I heard those are both good movies."

"I did too. I love Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart in the movie. Each of them by themselves is funny. But both of them together, I have never laughed so hard in my life while watching the previews to the movie."

"That is true. They are both much more funny together than by themselves."


"What do you-" Alice started before she was cut off by the door bell.

"I'll get it. It is probably Justin." I then went to the door and without looking through the door hole, I opened it, revealing Justin.

"Hey, Justin." I greeted.

"Hello, princess. You ready to go?" he responded.

"Yes. Let me grab my phone and bag real quick."

"Okay. Hi Alice. How have you been this morning?" He asked Alice.

"Hi, Justin. I am doing great this morning. I'm actually about to leave with an old group of friends of mine. How are you?" She answered.

"That sounds fun. I am doing great so far today. Anyway, we should get going, but I will see you later." He commented.

"Okay, and Justin?" Alice called out.

"Yes, Alice?"

"Don't hurt Becky. Don't forget about her. Don't use her. Don't do anything negative to her or I will hunt you down and hurt you." Alice warned.

"Yes ma'am." And with that, we left the house.


After driving for an hour, we finally reached where Justin was taking me. "Where are we? I thought you were taking me out on a trip or a picnic or something when you said you had a surprise." I explained.

"Well, I a taking you out to eat, but after this surprise first. You'll like it. Come on." He answered.

"Okay. No spoiling though."

"I can't promise you that. Now, come on. we are going to be late."

We walked into the building and the first person I saw in the building was Scooter. "Hey, Scooter. We are here and on time." Justin greeted.

"Okay, good. Hi. You must be the one and only Rebecca." He greeted with a smile.

"Yes, that's me. It's nice to meet you Scooter." I answered.

"You too. I have heard so many things about you. Ever since Justin met you, it's all he can ever talk about."

"Scooter, Shouldn't be getting ready?" Justin asked probably trying to change the subject.

"Ready for what?" I asked.

"You are going to be on the Ellen Show with me in a few minutes." Justin answered. I couldn't believe I was finally going to meet Ellen. I love her show. I didn't know what to say.


Sorry it took so long for me to post this chapter. I have been really busy with school and with volleyball, and this past week, I have been really sick so I haven't been able to do much except get rest. Next chapter will be up soon.

- Kristi

Dating A celebrity - Justin Bieber FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now