As Gordan Ramsay Insults

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[not mine]

Aries: This fucking pigeon is that raw it can still fly!

Taurus: You fucking donkey

Gemini: You used so much oil the U.S wants to invade the fucking plate!

Cancer: This squid is so undercooked I can still hear it telling Spongebob to fuck off

Leo: Take the giraffe back to the table, please

Virgo: Now fuck off you fat, useless sack of Yankee Doodle dandy shite!

Libra: That chicken is pinker than your fucking lipstick

Scorpio: You look like you're just about to lose your virginity

Sagittarius: There's more olive oil on this than Popeye's dick!

Capricorn: Like a bison's penis. What is this shit?

Aquarius: I feel like I'm eating a fucking flip-flop with mayonnaise

Pisces: You've put so much ginger in this it's a Weasley!

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