"Yeah, I got it the first time."

"Because I have to make it known. This place is legendary. How can you not know of its existence? You watch 'Food Network' right? Diners, Drive-ins and Dives?"

Kensi shrugged. "Nope."

"Okay, but you have heard of Tom Waits, right? The singer?" he said with just the right amount of sarcasm laced with a sprinkling of amusement. "His song 'On The Nickel' is about this place."

"I don't know the song and I don't know the diner. What'cha gonna do, Deeks?"

"Wow. Pop culture really is lost on you," he said disgusted and climbed out of the car.

"Just because I'm not a walking, talking Encyclopedia like yourself," Kensi replied.

"Knowledge is power, my friend. Knowledge is power."

Entering the Nickel Diner the place was noisy and busy with the breakfast/brunch crowd. There were around six waitresses rushing from booths to tables, balancing trays on their hips and hands, while they delivered plates of food and coffee.

"Look at this place," said Deeks. "It's like the Kingdom of Heaven in all its delicious, buttery glory."

Kensi swiped a napkin from a nearby table and handed it to him. He gave her a questioning look. "For the drool," she explained with a grin.

One waitress, a petite blonde with a thick hair braid, sailed by carrying a tray of steaming pancakes and eggs. "You sittin' or y'all just gonna stand there and make the place look untidy?" she said in a sassy Southern accent.

"We're looking for someone," Kensi told her. "She works here. Alison?"

"Oh, her," the waitress replied with an eye roll. "She didn't show today, called in sick."

"You got an address for her?" asked Deeks.

"We're kinda busy right now," said the waitress as she delivered the tray to a nearby table. "If y'all come back later."

"C'mon," Deeks glanced at her name-tag, "Gloria. You're always on the run now, I think you gotta slow it down. Help a guy out," he added with a wink and a grin.

The waitress jammed a hand on one hip and cocked an eyebrow at him. "That's hilarious, blondie, but like I haven't heard the song reference a million times already."

Deeks gave her another grin. "It'll take you all of two seconds to tell us where she lives. Help a cute blonde guy out," he said.

The waitress eyed him as she wiped her hands on her apron. "I didn't say you were cute," she said but she was smiling, because he was cute. Very. "You a cop? You look like a cop."

"I might be a cop," Deeks replied with a secretive smile. "You want me to be a cop, Glo? I can be anything you want me to be. Just say the word and you and me are gone. I'll take you away from all this."

Gloria looked at Kensi. "This guy," she said with a snort.

"Welcome to my world," replied Kensi.

"Yeah, whatever. Two of you are keeping me from workin'. Alison has a place in the Arts District, Molino Street," she said and sailed by them both. "You see her, tell her to get her ass back here tomorrow."

"Gloria, you're an angel," Deeks called after her. "Don't go changing."

"Yeah, yeah," the waitress replied and disappeared into the kitchen while Deeks and Kensi left.

NCIS: LOS ANGELES - "Falling Star"Where stories live. Discover now