Love Never Withers

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           Once Upon a Time...

           Daisy knew the heat of the moment was nothing compared to what she was feeling right now. It was like something is burning silently inside her heart, making her chest ache and throb, the burning sensation charring her chest. No one could feel the collateral damage her pain inflicted on her, nor sympathize with her because they didn't know...

           "She's crying..."


           The two of the women huddled behind her left side were gossiping relentlessly about her crying being a big deal--which to tell the truth, it was. But nevertheless, it wasn't their business if she was so hysterical in front of everyone! She could do anything she wanted to, if she wanted to! It's not like she was living in a law of good manner, a robot of discipline. She was human, with human emotions and pangs. She had a right to cry!

           And cry, she would! She would cry them a river! Was it a sin to express emotion when wouldn't their best of all guy, best-friend is to get married to someone they love while she was alone, isolated from everyone, and helpless. Tear ducts slowly made their way down Daisy's cheeks without warning, the frosty feeling turning them cherry red as the chattery birds beside her gossiped some more. Daisy could feel the sadness within her being uplifted by anger as time went by painfully. The mass of people hadn't started to change yet, and people who were there to witness her dolor woe also talked non-stop. The agitation within Daisy grew violently as she itched to get away from the people--to feel the wind consume her suffocating lungs as she inhaled. Walking up towards the entrance of the pristine-and-proper church, the fresh air filling her lungs and calming herself, tears still streamed down Daisy's cheeks slowly--her eardrums greeted to a familiar voice.

           "Why isn't she here yet?"

That voice make Daisy stop in her tracks, making her raw and vulnerable in the wilderness. It was his voice that keeps her awake most of the time at night that sent chills up her spine. It was that the same voice that was concerned about her well being. It was that voice that asked her if she was in love with him with a teasing tone in his soothing, laid back, familiar voice. It was that masculine, seductive tone of his that always makes her heart skip a beat halt yet beat faster at the same time. And of course she wanted to say yes, that she loved him, craved him, yearned for him. That she wanted him to marry her instead of the girl whom he had been waiting to spend a lifetime with in the future... Her own sister, the loveable Clara.

        But things were and always will be more complicated that it was described into whole different kind of language--the thought of rejection and neglect stabbing her heart that attempted to piece itself together every time he spoke. No one could decipher the meaning of her feelings into a word. And of all the men she was destined to fall for, why was her very best-friend whom had to be the one to unintentionally gloat that she was his and he was her. He of all people, who had written her a long love letter because he thought it was a joke to give your friend a love letter despite no nostalgic meaning. Everyone was probably laughing silently at her, judging and criticizing her. Despite the tears, Daisy did not careless. Not one bit. There was the worst to come yet and she was determined to make this shred of emotion not one of them. And then again, he would be there to support her in every way, shape, or form. The support from her fall on the tree of alluring attraction when she first realized she had a dangerous magnetic feeling towards him. She could still remember that he was so close to her that she could smell the forest and spicy scent on him. Support is what she needed right now--

       "Daisy?" came a voice that breaks her out of her longing thoughts and gazes. Swiping away the tears, she slapped on a fake smile, and greeted him good morning, then questioned if he was nervous. Nonchalance was her element. Daisy placed a palm on his forearm.

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