Chapter 4: I'll let you guess the status of their clothes. Ew.

Start from the beginning

"Hey. This is Anna we're talking about. I couldn't just leave her."

Ha ha ha. The more I bring up Anna, the more he forgets what we were talking about. See, this is what I don't understand. Ben has had a huge crush on Anna since we were all in second grade together. He's too scared to act on it, so instead he just sleeps around to try to forget about her. The guy is in deep.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Wanna go pick up some food, I didn't eat any lunch and worked up an appetite with Amelia..."

I fake gagged. "I think I just lost my appetite, but why not. Can we go to the diner down town?"

He looked at me like I was crazy. "Of course we are going to Jimmy's. Where else would we go?"

Me and Ben have always had a super close relationship. Honestly, it's like he's my closest friend (tied with Anna of course). I don't know if that is because we're twins, or just because we have always felt the need to take care of each other and mom. Anyway, we do all kinds of stuff together, but our favorite thing to do is go to Jimmy's to hang out together. It's really fun to just head there after practice or a game and just chill. 

Like me, Ben is also a three sport athlete. He plays football, hockey, and baseball. He has been playing all his sports just as long as I have, and he is just as obsessed as I am. We always go to all of each other's games. It really sucks when they are conflicting, but we're both very understanding about that. 

"Sounds good, I could really use some french fries"

He smiled and winked at me before saying "Same sista."

I rolled my eyes before yelling "I'm driving! Ha. In your face!"

His smile faded. "Dang it."

We both love driving. It's an ongoing war. Whenever we drive together we're both always fighting to be the one driving. 

I turned around to walk back out of the door with Ben right on my tail. When we hopped in I took a second to text mom that there was an emergency family meeting when she got home, and we were on our way.

In case I forgot to mention. Jimmy's is owned by our uncle. I bet you can't guess his name. 

Yep you guessed it. His name is Bob. 

Anyway. Uncle Bob keeps a special seat reserved here for us at all times. It's the best seat in the restaurant. All the workers there know both of us because we go there so often, and we both work there sometimes when it fits into our school and sport schedule.

 Once we slid into our seat, one of my favorite waitresses who works here came up to take our order.

I waved at her "Hey Ava!"

She just smiled and rolled her eyes at us "Fancy seeing you too here."

I scoffed "We don't come here all that often do we?"

I looked at Ben for reassurance, but he looked at me like I was crazy. "Mickey. We come here at least once everyday. For breakfast on our way to school, usually we come here for lunch, after practice or games for french fries and shakes, and on the weekends, we come here for dinner too."

Huh. Maybe we do come here pretty often. "Whatever. It's good food." I just shrugged my shoulders. "You heard the man! Fries and shakes it is. The usual please."

She shook her head at me "One order of fries. One vanilla shake for Kenna, and one strawberry shake for Ben." 

Once she brought us our food, me and Ben started talking about little things, school, sports, the usual. 

After we were done it was 3 o'clock, so mom was for sure home. Me and Ben looked at each other, took a deep breath of air and said at the exact same time "I'm driving!" "Jinx!" Jinx again!"

At which point we were interrupted by a low voice that sent shivers down my spine. "Well isn't this cute. Do you guys like Frozen or something?" Max slid into the booth next to me.

I didn't look at him. "Ok Ben. Wanna go home?"

I felt Max stiffen next to me. What's his problem? When he talked this time his voice sounded angry.

"McKenna." I ignored him. "Kenna" I ignored him again. "McKenna the Great!" That one surprised me, but I again ignored him. At this point Max was seething, so I thought I'd throw him a bone before he blew up. 

"Oh! Hey Maxi, fancy seeing you here. What's up?" 

I heard him growl next to me.

"Um Maxi, do you need a cough drop? Your voice doesn't sound the greatest."

This whole time Ben has just ben sitting there watching us banter, but he decided to make himself known. 

"Mickey, who is this guy?"

Again Max growled before saying "Mickey? Who's Mickey?"

I sighed. "That's me Maxi. Ben calls me Mickey, always has."

After the words were out of my mouth, I was weightless as Max swung me over his shoulder like a sack  of potatoes. 

Ben was up and out of his seat in an instant. He has always been an overprotective brother and I pretend that it annoys me to no end, when in reality, it makes me feel really loved and protected. Like right now.

"What the hell man? Put her down."

Max just ignored him as he walked me out into the parking lot. I had just been going a long with it, but once we were in the parking lot and wouldn't be ruining anyone's meal I decided enough is enough. I somehow managed to move my body enough to knee Max in the face. Ouch that has got to hurt. He set me down very quickly so that he could put his hand to his bleeding nose. 

I put my hands on my hips and looked up at Max. "Okay Maxi. What the actual hell?" Ben came up and stood next to my as I continued. "Max. You dropped me off so I could talk to my mom. Then, an hour later, you decide you want to kidnap me again?"

Max glared down at me as he said "Well you could have at least told me you had a boyfriend!"

"I-" Me and Ben looked at each other. We both started laughing our asses off. "Oh no. God no. Max. This is my brother. My twin brother Ben."

Max had been looking at us like we were crazy as we laughed, but then seemed to realize his mistake. "Oh. Um. Yeah..."

"Wait a second Maxi. Were you jealous? That's hilarious. But I'm going to say this once and once only so listen up. My life is, well, it's my life and it's none of your business. You might think that you're my mate, but that doesn't give you a free pass to come and throw me over your shoulder if you're uncomfortable. Plus how did you even know I was here? Wait, were you stalking me?" I sighed. "Max. If you're so intent on making me "yours" you're going to have to figure out a better way to do it." With that I walked past him to my car where I yelled "I'm driving!"

Me and Ben hopped into the car and the first thing he said made me groan. 

"Mates?" I sighed and put my head into my hand. "That guy is your freaking mate? That means he's a werewolf? What the hell McKenna?" I saw his eyes widen in realization "How is this even possible?"

I sighed again and said "Ben. Calm down. This is why I wanted to have a family meeting. I have a few things that I need to ask mom, and I think it would be best if you were there. Let's head home and get this all sorted out."

So. Bet you guys thought that you would be hearing from Kenna's mom in this chapter. Sike! Lol Just kidding guys. I had quite a bit of fun writing Ben in this chapter. I've always wanted an older brother, so I thought that it would be fun to write one. Anyway. Like always, vote and comment. Whenever I see them it puts a goofy grin on my face and my parents look at me like I'm crazy. (Which I probably am.) Thanks guys! You're my favorites!


P.S. Aren't you guys proud of me? Look at how much longer this chapter is!


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