Chapter 42-Visions

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A/N) Wow, it's been almost 2 months guys! I suggest you reread the previous chapter. Thx!

Mackenzie's POV:

I sat up in the darkness, a cold sweat plaguing my forehead as I wiped it away, my heart pounding in my chest. I stepped over the edge of my bed and fell right on the floor. Reaching up, I felt a chain and tugged on it, lighting up the room to find myself laying on the rug beside my bed. It was 5 in the morning. I was at my house in my room. Frantically I ripped my phone out of its charger and scrolled through my contacts. There was no James in them. Dazed and disoriented, I ran out the door and across the hall to my sister's bedroom. Maddie was there, sleeping normally. Beyond confused, I crawled back into my bed and let a tear roll down my cheek. Was it really all a dream? No. It was too real. That's when my door flung open, and Maddie came rushing in.

"Mackenzie!" She cried, her blotchy face looking relieved. 

"W- What's wrong?" I asked, worried, but having my own crazy issue here.

"You're alive!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah. I, wait, what?" I asked. 

"I had this terrible terrible dream, and I'm so confused right now, it felt so real, and there was this boy at dance and you liked him alot and then Mom  and Greg started being awful, like, abusive, and a whole lot more happened, but then we were kidnapped, but you escaped, and then the kidnapper killed me and then he killed you and then we found out the boy you liked was the kidnappers son!" Maddie ranted while crying.

"Maddie."  I said lowly as she continued to cry. She had the exact same nightmare I had, but she had dreamed the ending I woke up before. James had been the man's son?

"Maddie, stop. Listen to me." I said.

"You're not ever going to believe me, but I had the- exact same dream." I gulped.

I had to give her other minor details of the dream and she sat there stunned that we had the exact same absolutely awful nightmare.

"What do we do now." I whispered.

"We go to dance." Maddie said flatly, referring to our early 7 a.m. rehearsal. 

"But, are we just supposed to ignore this? Act like it never happened?" I yelled, furious.

"For now, yes." She replied, completely unconcerned.

"But, Maddie! Wait! Stop!" I shouted as she kept walking away.

"No, Kenzie. For now just leave it alone. I don't know what to do, so just stop." My sister said with fear in her voice. 

"Okay."  I gulped. Alright.

I sat in the backseat of the car, eating my granola bar, not talking to anyone. Maddie was acting normal, chatting with mom a little bit, but she kept glancing at me. I didn't return the eye contact.  As we pulled up in the parking lot and went into the studio, we saw a strange man with a boy. Their backs were to us as they spoke with Abby. The boy turned when we walked in. He looked at me with his bright green eyes that looked like they were dying to get to know me. The same bright green eyes I had seen so many times in my nightmare. Maddie grabbed onto my arm at the sight of him and I shook her off.

"Hi, I'm James. I'm a new dancer and Abby's letting me hang around for a couple competitions to see if I'll be staying. What's your name?" He said.

"Mackenzie. Nice to meet you." I said softly. The boy's father turned around and looked at me too.

"Hello." His chilling voice said.  

All I could manage was a weak and nervous smile. 

"Go on into the studio, James." He said, turning away from me. As he turned back I caught a glint of something in his coat. A gun. I looked at Maddie, and she had seen it too. My eyes wild with fear, Maddie said something in my place.

The man was just looking at us eerily and expectantly, as if we were old friends.

"Nice to meet you sir. My sister and I really need to warm up, so, excuse us." She said, kind of rudely, pulling me back into the den. I scaredly eyed James in the corner, and I saw that he had the same object in his bag. The same gun as his father. This was not the nice boy from my dream. This was the same person, but evil. I jumped as a crack of thunder rumbled the studio. 

What do you do when you  know your own fate, and it's standing right in front of you? I guess I'll find out. 

The Part of Me That You Don't See~a Dance Moms Maddie AND Mackenzie story~Where stories live. Discover now