Chapter 15: The Train

Start from the beginning

-Natsu P.O.V-
The train suddenly came to a halt. A small sign that the train was experiencing technical difficulties started flashing, informing us that we were going to be stationary for a whole I sighed with relfoed, as my motion sickness faded away. However, my mind shortly wondered back to Lucy.
"Do you think Lucy's alright?" I asked everyone.
Cana simply shrugged.
"She seems fine to me. What else did you expect her to be like?" She replied.
"She seems off," I told her. "Maybe I'm imagining things."
"You only met her a few days ago, yet you seem to know her better than any of us," Levy added, laughing.
"That's another mystery for you," Erza broke in.
"I'm going to check on her," I decided. I stood up, sighing with the burden of grief weighing down on me. It was surprising how much physical pain your mind can cause.
"Natsu," Erza began, stopping me in my tracks. "Don't stress yourself too much."
I nodded gravely at her, then continued forward without another word.

-Niska P.O.V-
What do I do? I thought, gazing at the scenery that I was now apparently stuck with for a while. They all seem so comfortable together...that's not what hostage situations are like!
Did the council...lie to me?
My opinions were all muddled up. Why would they run away from the council? Surely they're safer in the FRAS...
"Your magic is worthless, Niska. It could never be of any use to us."
I thought about those words. They were the words spoken to me by the chairman himself.
I had always been useless. Always.
But then, the guards came to me one day. They told me they needed me. Finally, I had some use in this world...
Is that why I was doing this? Because I was useful for once? I thought I was simply following orders, but maybe...
I spun round, startled. Natsu stood in front of the door, which carefully closed shut behind him.
"You scared me," I told him, giggling. He smirked, as he began to walk over to me. He stretched his hands over the railing, and breathed in the thick country air.
"You feeling okay?" He asked, relaxing against the metal rail.
"Of course," I replied. "Why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know," he said, staring ahead of him. "You just seemed a bit off, in there."
"Off?" I repeated.
Had he seen through me? I was pretty sure I had everyone fooled...
"There it is again," he muttered. My eyes widened, confused and slightly scared.
"There's what again?" I questioned further. He glanced towards me.
"You're stressed," he answered. "And worried now, apparently."
W-Who the hell is this guy?
"I didn't mention it in there, in case it was something personal. You know you can tell me anything, right?" He continued. I nodded slowly, and for some reason I was drawn to his eyes. I stared into them intensely, admiring them.
Who is this guy...
"Lucy," he said, with a serious tone. "You're not yourself."
That's it. I can't let him say anymore.
"You're being ridiculous," I told him, as I reached for the pole that disconnected the train carriages. It had conveniently been left leaning on the back wall of the carriage.
"Lucy, what the hell are you doing?" He asked, noticing my action.
"I'm scared," I replied, distracting him from the scenario. "I'm so scared."
"Scared?" He asked, with a concerned tone.
Then I grinned, and began to swing the pole towards his head.
Goodbye, Natsu Dragneel-
I froze, just as the pole was inches away from his face. My eyes were wide, just as much as his was.
W-What happened?
I dropped the pole, then melted to my knees.
"Lucy..." he began. "What's wrong with you?"
"I don't know," I replied, barely able to move. "I really don't know."

-Wendy P.O.V-
I admired the fields through the thin glass of the train's window.
"If anything else goes wrong on this trip, let's all agree to go straight to Makarov's," Erza suddenly started.
"What? Where's this coming from?" Cana butted in.
"We need to be prepared, that's all," she answered. "I mean, this trip hasn't exactly been the easiest so far."
"I feel bad," I muttered. "Natsu and Lucy have literally been taking all of the hits since this journey started. I don't feel like we're helping enough."
Erza sighed, my words clearly weighing on her mind.
"I promised Makarov I would protect them both," she said. "And what have I done? Just stood there and watched them while they get beaten..." she said, sighing. "I called Natsu useless when I first met him. When in fact, I'm the useless one here."

-Niska P.O.V-
I felt strangely relieved as Natsu wrapped his arms around me in a hug.
"You're not yourself. I know you're not," he comforted, as he slowly let go of me again.
"Get away from me," I scowled, angry at the way he was making me feel. He laughed at my childish comment.
"We both know I'm not going to do that," he replied.
"Why?" I muttered, staring at him. "Why can't I hurt you?"
He hesitated slightly, then answered.
"I'm not going to answer that until you tell me who you are."
I tensed up, shocked that he'd figured it out. However, by now, it would've been surprising if he hadn't. Over the last few minutes, I couldn't have been more obvious.
"My Niska," I told him. "I took over Lucy's body with my magic."
He sighed, lowering his head. "So that's Lucy's body you're controlling? Not a look-alike or something?"
I shook my head. "This is her. However, her mind is in a coma state. She won't remember anything that I've done in her body. Not even this conversation."
"You're lucky," he added, smirking.
"Lucky?" I repeated, puzzled.
"Yeah. Because if you'd hurt her body in any way..." he turned to face me, with a glare that challenged the world. "You'd have hell to pay."

Talk about scary.
"You care about Lucy a lot, then?" I asked him. He nodded slowly, avoiding eye contact. It must be hard talking about a person with someone that looks exactly like them.
"The reason you can't hurt me is probably because you possessed Lucy's body," he began to explain. "We don't exactly know why...but the way we feel about each other goes beyond emotion. It's similar to an instinct. 'Protect her, no matter what.' It's like a code that's been etched into our heads."
"How did that manage to happen?" I questioned further. He shrugged in return.
"I have no clue. No one does."
"So...she's like a sister to you, then," I added. His eyes glinted slightly, and I suddenly felt a sensation inside of me. It said one word, displayed out to me as clear as day:
"Natsu..." I muttered, slightly scared by it. "You had a sister, didn't you?"
He shook his head, disturbed by the topic. "We're not talking about this," he argued. Then he faced me, with an unpleasant expression.
"Now get out of Lucy's body."
His order snapped me back into attention.
What had I been doing?! I was chatting with the criminal like he was an old friend!
"No," I said back. "I was ordered to take her to the council, and I will obey those orders."
"Do you realise what the council are planning? They want to use you as weapons!" He said angrily. "When you connect with your own body again, you could join us."
"What use would I be to you?!" I shouted, backing up.
"You don't need to be of any use," he began. I was about to argue my point, when he finished his sentence.
"You would only need to be our friend."
I paused, completely lost for words. can't put yourself through that again.
"I'm sorry, Natsu Dragneel," I finally managed to whisper. I realised that I had backed up all the way to the train's railing. "Goodbye."
Then, without another word, I flung myself over the edge and ran, his kind words ripping me apart like the thorns of a rose.
Oh man...the feels...
Niska's a sad character (like emotional, not lame lol). Of course, I have to make up quite a lot of characters because there are only so many women in fairy tail. She has a sad story that is kind of in pieces at the moment, but I'll place it together and maybe try and explain it in the next chapter :)

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