twenty two

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The girl is sitting in the car with her best friend by the steering wheel. She knows what is going to happen. Two minutes from now she will be in the water. Her lungs will be screaming for air. She tries to stop the crying girl beside her. No sound leave her mouth as she tries to speak, her body is paralyzed.

One more minute. Tears are streaming down both of the girls' faces. Her best friend reaches for her hand. "Everything is fine, we will be okay. Together forever. Right?" The only thing the girl can do is nod.

Together forever.

They can see the bridge a head of them. Soon they will be in the water.

Thirty seconds.

The girl is gasping for air already.




The best friend makes a sudden left turn and the car is now in the river. Water starts floding through the doors. Fast. It is already reaching their shoulders. Soon they car is filled.

Her lungs are burning. Her vision gets darker. She can no longer see.

I  jerk awake when somebody is shaking my shoulders.

"Harper." Blain breathes "Are you okay? You were screaming. You scared the living shit out of me"

"I'm fine. I'm fine, it was just a nightmare." I say. It sounds more like I am trying to convince myself than anyone else.

He wraps his arms around me into a tight hug. And as he does that I break, crumble to pieces. Tears run down my face. He coos comforting words in my ear as I cry against his chest.

I don't know how he does it. The way he calms me the way no one else ever could.

"Thank you." I whisper when I calm down.

"Don't worry about it"

I am so sorry my AU suck as hard as they do. Your reads means alot even tho i don't show it. Hope you like this chapter. Xo Thxldx  

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