Gossip and Guy Drama

Start from the beginning

Well, we wish that Salman and his sister don’t take the woman’s words seriously. And we suggest them not to go to Hamleys anymore.

“Yea, so?” I asked.

“Why didn’t I know about this?”  Cassie was annoyed, very annoyed. She hates to find anything out from gossip channels and tabloids, especially if it was about me.

“We came back and fell asleep instantly.” I tried to defend myself.

“What you read was the best version of the story. Some reports talk about YOU abusing the kid and woman, some about YOU slapping and abusing. And threatening the manager at Hamelys. And movie?” she walked about the room, clearly frustrated.

“Ok, this one is true. And we did not even yell back at the bitc…” I defended myself and Liz. Why do the media people love to make up random stories?

“Language!” She pointed her finger at me.

“Sorry. Woman. And we did go to movies too, so that’s right.”

“You went for a movie night?” she glared, and Liz nodded.

“What did she exactly call you?” Cassie asked Lee.

“Why can’t we keep her out of this? It’s just small gossip news as it is.” I didn’t want to drag her into this. She already had a lot on her mind. The girls, murderers, and her friend being all off. It was ticking her off, nobody could see it, but I could. She was dying inside, slowly but steadily.

“Small? Oh no. They are planning to sue you!” Cassie shook her head, and sat down again.

“Why does everyone love to sue us over petty issues?” she asked. Seriously! We always received so many threats to drag us to court. Once we even got a threat to sue us for over million dollars for walking on the beach in jeans. That’s just absurd.

“Wow. About what exactly?” I asked.

“That you forced the kid to eat ice cream and were disrespectful in public. Humiliation etc.”

“Humiliation and disrespect in public. Well, she had to go through all of it!” I pointed towards Lizzie, fists clenched.

She came over and sat beside me. Slowly, she placed her hands over mine, and I loosened them. I felt tension leave my body. She always had a calming effect on me. I knew she hated seeing me annoyed, but I couldn’t help it. That woman verbally abused my sister! She looked at me, and I gave her a small smile. She placed her head on my shoulder

Cassie set a video conference with our lawyer, and we told him about every single detail. He said they did not have much ground to stand on. They wouldn’t sue us if they were sane enough. Besides, the lady basically abused a minor, and slapped her daughter. We had witnesses, so the case was in our hands.


We were returned from the gym and got ready for the day. I wore a lame dress, tights and boots, and left my hair open. Because I tied them during the night, they were naturally curly now. Sean told me that we had to complete the shoot today, and then go to a lunch party. How do my brothers know people in Japan?

Outside the hotel, fans and paparazzi shot questions at us. I decided to keep my silence while my brothers cleared things about yesterday. I waited in the car, blasting the volume to some Linkin’ Park songs, when Mike started driving.

“Different cars?” I asked.

“Safety issues. Besides it’d be the best if we try and avoid cameras.”

“Right.” I nodded, and looked outside. Mike didn’t pick up a conversation like he usually does. He knew I needed peace right now.

Did the paparazzi leave me alone? Nope. They had tons of questions. I was so thankful that the security on the sets was tight. I sat in the green room the whole time, while the guys did their thing. I found out that the commercial was for some soft drink.

It was taking forever for them to complete it! How many hours are needed for a thirty second commercial? Me, being the restless, impatient creature; got out. I decided to go to the vanity van, atleast there was ps3 and wii there. I was given strict instructions not to walk alone without security, but I think they always overhype about the ‘safety concerns’. I’ve walked around so many times without security, and I’m still alive.

“Hey, aren’t you Salman’s sister?” A guy called out, pointing at me. Nice, super-fans. He had a Japanese accent that I did understand, but I had to concentrate more than ususal.

“Uh, yeah. I have a name, FYI.” Being rude to fans wasn’t the best idea, but I was in no mode of answering all the silly stupid questions they normally ask me.

“Yes, I know. Alisha. Eleven years old, adopted at five…” He actually had by biography by heart. He knew everything about me.

“Wow.” Is all I could reply. Creepy that people knew everything about me. Sometimes I did actually get scared of the internet having so much information about me and my family.

“Since I know you, wanna go for a coffee?” he smiled, trying hard to be charming. He was cute, I admit it. But I was not going on a coffee date with a fourteen year old pervert who probably is a crazed internet stalker. Nope, not a chance.

“Eh, sorry. I have to go now. Nice to meet you though.” I smiled and turned around. He caught my wrists. And pulled me.

“What the…let go of me!” I cried, wiggling in his grip. Damn, teen guys are stronger than I presumed.

“I said coffee! Do you think I’m really gonna miss the opportunity to be with you?” he growled. He was pulling me while I was trying my best to get away from his tightening grip.

“You are crazy! Run, if you love your life.” I yelled at him, moving around more. He could pull me easily, without any visible effort. He was fast, and he was frightening.

“Stop! What is bloody wrong with you?” I was scared now. There was no one around. We were getting away from the vanity vans. This place was deserted. I didn’t know what to do, how to react.

“Shhh” he hissed.

Oh God. What should I do? I couldn’t get away, nobody could hear me. I can try and fight him. I couldn’t kick or punch him while being dragged, so I dug my nails into his hands, and he turned around, fuming.

“Bitch!” he threw me to the ground. I yelled for attention, but he covered my mouth. I bit his hand and yelled more. He slapped me across the face, and pulled me up by hair. He stared me down with his blue, viperous eyes.



What do you think will happen?? 

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