The Troublesome Twosome Date

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I'm back!!! :) here is another one...brotherly love and all!!! <3 



Tokyo, Japan. Here I was, sitting in my suite in Mandarin Oriental. Which had an amazing view, by the way. I plopped on the bed, and wore the headphones. Next, next, next…there! ‘Right now’ by Akon came up, and I started singing with him. Music was always the way to escape. Because I couldn’t get what she said out of my head. That was the last thing I needed then.


“Where were you at the premiere?” Nidhi yelled at me, in her room.

“I-I couldn’t come sorry. There were things that…”

“Ofcourse, the almighty rich famous girl. Why would you even bother to meet me? Just ditch me for the cameras, the celebrities.” She said, disgusted. I hated her being mad at me. She was my only true friend at school.

“I wasn’t there! I had to go!” I spoke louder. She was not ready to listen to my side of the story. But then, I couldn’t even blame her. I invited her, and then completely ditched her.

“What was possibly more important than YOUR family’s first production movie premiere?”

“Lives of thirteen girls.” I looked down. I hoped they were fine. They were in foster care now, with police investigation on.

“Oh, so you turned supergirl now?” she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

“I can’t believe you! I can’t tell you because I don’t know exactly what happened either. I just know…”

“I’ll tell you what happened. You ditched me, alone between strangers. You didn’t even bother to call me afterwards. And now, you are playing the innocent-my-past-is-horrible-and-I’m-adopted card!” She barked, rude and out of line. And I was not going to tolerate this. I had a horrible morning giving my statement to the cops, and then cooking up a story for the media about the premier night.

“Watch it! You have no right to yell at me. When you are done with making assumptions, watch the news…or ask anyone from my family, ok?”  I hissed, and slammed the door of her house. I didn’t even care about the paparazzi standing. I needed to get out of there.

*End of Flashback*

Now that I had no friends at school, I didn’t want to go there anymore. I couldn’t deal with all the girls and questions and assumptions. I didn’t want to go back to that place, with nobody to call a friend. So, I, Sohail and Salman flew down to Tokyo. They had a commercial shoot here. I didn’t even know what brand they were endorsing. All I cared about is the police investigation and Nidhi talking to me.

The guys were gone but I decided to stay back. A text appeared on my phone, and I hoped it was Nidhi. I checked, and was disappointed to find Salman’s name.

(Salman text) Be back in 30. Early leave- technical probs cropped up. Wanna go on a troublesome twosome date???

(Liz text) Yayyy!! I’m in!  :D

(Salman text) K, pick you up. J

I smiled and went towards my wardrobe. It is something me and my brothers did. Go on dates. I had been a while since me and Salman went for one. We call it the ‘troublesome twosome date’ because we always end up messing something or breaking something. And getting into some PR trouble, but it’s always worth it!

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