Back to (not so pleasant) present

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ok, so i got no comments, BUT i got over 100 more reads in 2 days, which is good i guess....... so I'll upload this one, to see how things trun's kinda a filler, hope you like it!! :)

 oh, btw, the pic?...a private hospital room....imagine this!! :P but  Seven hills has even better rooms, but whatever!!  enjoy!


Malaika’s POV (her to-be sis in law)

Me, and my fiancé, Arbaaz douched the media personnel with the help of guards, and reached the reception.

“We are here for Salman and….” I started, and before I could finish my sentence, a doctor greeted us.

“Hello, I’m Dr. Parker, and I have been monitoring Mr. Salman. He is stable, and in no danger. The police and CBI are now talking to him, so you may have to wait for a while. But he will be free to leave as soon as he wants.” He said with a smile. I was relieved. Our family won’t be the same without him. Or her...Liz!

“Doctor, what about Li…I mean Alisha?” Arbaaz asked. He had been thinking about her too. I couldn’t imagine what the brothers were going through. They loved her to death. It didn’t matter that she was adopted, their affection was unconditional. I hoped she wasn’t in a serious condition. She’s always been like a magnet to bad stuff, I just hope she’s fine.

“Sorry, Dr. Megan is monitoring her. As per my information, she’s out of the ICU, but is unconscious. You might want to meet Dr. Megan. You’ll find her in the third cabin as you go straight and then take a left.”

“Thank you, doctor.” I replied and hurried past the people asking us for autographs. How could they think we’d be here signing and talking when our family member is unconscious? I wanted to yell at them so bad, but I didn’t. We needed to get her. ICU, unconscious, oh God. Please Lord, I begged, let her be safe. She’s so little. Looking at my other half, I saw his face was expressionless. That means only one thing-his emotions are flooding out of control. I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, and entered Dr. Megan’s office.

“Dr. Megan? We are here for Alisha.” I said a voice that sounded a lot better than I was feeling.

“Oh, yes. We’ve had a small operation. Her left palm was cut by the glass, aside from some bruises. She is in no danger, but there was blood loss. We injected her so she could rest for a few hours to recover faster. There is no need to worry.” She looked at us. Arbaaz just nodded. I could read his mind.

“Can we see her?” I asked. Arbaaz looked at me and gave me a small smile, which I returned.

“Yes, I see no problem in that. But, I need to check her again after she is up, and the police want to ask her a few questions first. She might be up any moment now. You may wait outside the room.” She said, and led us to her room. She went inside, along with some cops, as we sulked outside.


I could hear some beeping sounds from the background. My body felt heavy. I tried opened my eyes, but couldn’t. I instantly panicked. Why couldn’t I open my eyes? What was happening? Was everyone safe?

I heard footsteps now. Who are they? Family, friends...enemies?  No, not again, I thought. I tried to move.

“It’s ok.” A low, sweet voice said. “You are in safe hands now. Can you wiggle your toes for me, please?” she asked. I did as the voice said.

“Move your fingers, now, slowly.” Again, I followed her instructions.

“Great job. Now, I want you to open your eyes for me. The last favor, I promise.” She said. I tried, real hard, and I could open my eyelids this time. I blinked for a few times to get adjusted to the light.

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