"It's a boy." Meredith told them and Elijah focused on her as she stood up and was holding a crying bundle, if it wasn't for Elena's death grip on his hand, he would have gone over to see his son. Meredith handed off the baby to a nurse, one that Elijah had personally compelled to help with this at Meredith's insistence.

Elena gripped his hand even harder as she let out another cry, not nearly as forceful as before, but it let him know that his daughter wanted some attention as well.

"Okay Elena, just like before. Give one, big push." Meredith told the girl in front of her.

Elena nodded and gripped Elijah's hand as she let out a big scream and pushed as hard as she could. She fell back onto her pillows but quickly sat back up, she wasn't done yet, "Okay, maybe it was really two big pushes." Meredith tried to joke off as Elena repeated her previous process. Not noticing the glare that Elena sent her way.

Elijah knew when it was over, as a second set of screaming lungs filled the already loud room. "It's a girl." Meredith said with a smile as she got up and turned around to clean and wrap up the baby, just like the nurse had already done with the first one.

Elena panted as she smiled up at Elijah, tugging at his hand to get him to look down at her. He smiled as he took in her sweaty appearance and gave her a light kiss on the lips, "You did it."

"No, we did it." Elena replied and looked up as Meredith and the nurse approached.

"Who gets to hold who first?" Meredith asked, the smile on her lips showing her joy at the moment.

Elena closed her eyes and held out her arms, "Just give me one."

Elijah smiled at her inability to choose and followed suit, closing his eyes until he felt gentle hands place a bundle of cloth into his hands.

Klaus paced the hall with nerves; he had never really been around children. He had still been a child himself when all his younger siblings were born, and had not had much interaction with babies since then. His eyes drifted to his brother, sitting with his head low as Bonnie held his hand. And to Jeremy leaning heavily against the wall, the twirling ring on his finger the only indication that he was even still breathing. At least Klaus knew he wasn't the only one freaking out about the two new additions to their family.

A beautiful blonde with a smile stopped in front of him, "Can you please stop pacing? You are getting everyone on edge."

"I am on edge love." Klaus replied but stopped his movements, he would do anything for the woman in front of him.

"We've had this discussion before Nik, you will be great with the babies. The second you see them, they will become real and then you will love them." Caroline insisted, holding his hand in her own and rubbing small circles over it with her thumb.

"I am not good with children Caroline, and I don't think I could handle it if I hurt them." Klaus told the woman in front of him.

"You won't, I can promise you that." Caroline said and brought up her free hand to cup his cheek, "You just need to have the faith in you that I do."

All of their heads snapped up as the door opened and Meredith walked out. The smile on her face helped put everyone at ease, though all the vampires present could have heard everything if they had so decided, "They are beautiful and perfectly healthy."

"Can we go see them?" Rebekah asked, her hand wrapped in Stefan's as they got up from their chairs.

"Yes, but let's keep it to only a few of you..." Meredith started to suggest but stopped when Elijah appeared behind her.

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