Chapter 6

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          "What the fuck?" I screamed while wiping my face.

"Wake up girl. You won't be sleeping all day in this house, and watch your mouth!" She scolded.

"What time is it." I spoke.

"Nine." She said.

"Nine? Its too early." I growled.

"Get dressed." She spoke leaving the room.

I rolled my eyes.

"Shit." I mumbled while dripping wet.

         I stepped out of the damp bed and placed my feet on the cold wood floor.  After opening my bedroom door,  I walked to the small bathroom and noticed a toothbrush placed on top of a face towel. When looking at my reflection in the mirror, I saw that I looked fully rested and my skin was brighter. I then realized that I slept comfortability in the spacious bed. After I was finished with my brushing my teeth and washing my face,  I made my way to the living room.

"Good morning." She spoke looking up from the newspaper.

"Good morning." I spoke sitting on the opposite couch.

"There's breakfast on the stove." She said after peeling through the news paper a few times.

I stood from the firm couch and walked into the kitchen. After grabbing my food from the stove, I walked to the small table and sat down.

       I heard Carol's footsteps nearing the kitchen, and decided to slow down my eating pace.

"Do you like the food?" She asked taking a seat at the table.

I placed my fork on my plate and wiped my mouth.

"Look. You don't have to do all of this for me. I'll be out of here soon." I spoke.

"Aw hush girl,  you and I both know you ain't gots no where to go. Stop trying to run from help, we all need it sometimes. Now hurry up and eat. We need to be leaving in a few." She spoke standing from the table.

I stuffed my food down and guzzled the juice before standing. When I heard keys rattling, I walked into the living room.

"Are you ready?" Carol asked.

"Um, yea." I spoke following her lead.

I got into the passengers side of the car and fastened my seat belt.

"Where are we going? I asked.

"You need some clothes right?" She asked reversing the car.

I was speechless, wrecking my brain to remember the last time anyone was nice to me... Terry

I shook the thought and glanced out of the window, it was a nice warm day. The sun beams were creeping through the bright white clouds.

       When we made it to the mall, we both got out of the car and walked towards entrance.

"What stores do you like?" Carol asked walking slowly.

I shrugged my shoulders and dug my fists into my pockets.

When walking next to her, I paced myself in order to match her speed.

I never really bought any clothes for myself, the orphanage would usually give give donated clothes and shoes, that were normally to big or small.

"Well, you'll see something when we get in there." She spoke.

Before walking into the mall, I glanced up at the bright sky, which made my eyes water from the hidden sun.

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