Chapter 11- The Mall

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Jeffs POV-

We finally arrived at the mall and went to get out of the van. Jade slammed the door shut. "GOD DAMN IT JADE CALM DOWN!" Slendy yelled. "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO ALEXANDER!" Everyone gasped except for me. I was laughing my ass off. "HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!?" Slendy yelled. Jade pointed to me. "TATTLE TALE!" I scream. "Jeeeeefff...." Slendy said walking towards me. "Lay a hand on him and I will shove all of your tentacles up your ass tentacle head." Jade said, glaring at him. He backed off. Wait DID JADE JUST SCARE THE SLENDERMAN?!? DAMN SHE NEEDS TO TEACH ME HOW TO DO THAT!

When we walked in Masky said "Me and Hoodie will be right back. I need to talk to him." And walked off. LJ and Jade stopped in there tracks. "Damn it!" Alexandria whispered screamed. Victoria laughed. "What?" I whispered back. "Jade LOVES candy. She would kill for that shit." Victoria told me. I looked up to see a candy store. LJ and Jade looked at each other and smirked. Then they ran into the store laughing there asses off. Ben, EJ, and I ran in after them. Oh gosh this isn't gonna end well.

Slendys POV:

The boys ran after them. Which left me and the girls. I am so glad Sally isn't here. "JEFF LET GO OF ME!" "JADE YOU ARE NOT KILLING LJ!" "HAHA I GOT YOUR BOYFRIEND ON MY SIDE!" "AT LEATS I DON'T HAVE BEN HOLDING ME BACK! AND JEFF IS NOT MY BOYFRI-" "ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THA-" "WILL BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" "EJ DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" "GUYS CALM DOW-" "SHUT UP BEN!" Oh great. We walk in there to see Ben holding back LJ, Jeff holding back Jade, and Ej in between them. "What in the world is going on here?!?" I yelled. "LJ took the last of the gummy bears!" "I LOVE THEM MORE THAN YOU EVER WILL!" LJ yelled. "That is IMPOSSIBLE!" "Alexandria you're not making it any better." "Shush it Victoria." I chuckled and said "So this is all over some gummy bears?" "Yep." They both said. "Well there's a bunch of big bags full of them over there." Ben said pointing at them. LJ and Jade got lose and ran over to them and started counting them. LJ said"I get half and you get half. Deal?" "Deal." Jade said. They both grabbed ALL of them and put them on the counter.

Jade's POV:

The cashier looked like a slut with her V-neck showing off all but the tits and all that make-up she had on. She was staring at me. "Like what you see darling? I bet I make you really jealous since I'm not fake like you," I leaning closer to her and reading the name on her name tag, "Becky." She glared at me and was about to say something but Alexandria cut her off. "I wouldn't say anything if I were you. Because it wouldn't be just her going after you." She said, going to Jade's side. "Now do your job Becky like the sweet little girl you are and we'll be on our way." Victoria said, getting on the other side of Jade. Becky rolled her eyes and started scanning the price tags. She kept looking at Jeff and smiling. "Quit staring at my boyfriend and get back to work." I told her. I can tell that Jeff was blushing and made me smile a little. When we were leaving I decided to make her even more mad and grabbed Jeff's face and pulled him into a kiss for a few seconds. He kissed back. When I pulled away I looked back her. She had steam coming out of her ears, which made me smirk.

Slendys POV:

We got to out of the store with me holding their bags. Jade pushed Jeff away and winked at him. "Ok what did we miss." Hoodie said, coming back with a more calmed Masky. Ben said "Well Jade just called Jeff her boyfriend and kissed him." "Woah Woah wait WHAT!" Masky said,looking over at me then Jeff. He  started smirking. "I always knew i-" "Say one more thing Timothy and I will cut off your balls." "I'd like to see you try." "Oh trust me I don't even have to try." Alexandria jumped in "Guys calm down. You're starting to scare me." Masky and Jade stepped closer together. "Why I otta-" "Hey look there's a Hot Topic!" I did not mean to say that. They all stopped and look over to the store. "LAST ONE THERE IS A ROTTEN EGG!" Victoria yelled and they all ran inside. "Why did I say that?!?" I said and walked in. When I got in there Alexandria, Masky, and Hoodie were looking at the Dr.Who stuff. Victoria and Ben were looking at all the belts and jeans. Jade and Jeff were looking at the band merch. Oh no.

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