Chapter 6

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When next they landed, they touched earth at the base of a great mountain, who's river's water was clear as crystal. Here, the stream was said to have been blessed by the gods.

Kyriakos craned his neck and nudged the sleeping lad on his back. Alex awoke with a start, and was so frightened to see a dragon staring at him that he fell from kyriakos' back and landed with a thud on the swaying green grass, releasing a moan that sounded more animal than human.

Kyriakos laughed, waiting for the boy to stand. When he did, Alex looked to the water, his eyes widening to the size of saucers. "W-what!? This is... This is Mur creek... How did you know of this place!? It's said that the waters are healing; it is also said that a strange ghost maiden haunts these waters - "

Kyriakos slapped him softly with his tail, but it was enough to take the breath away from the boy. "Enough with your scholar babble, I brought you here because this is the best place to practice, and it is the nearest (Safe) resting place within a mile."

"What practice?" Alex looked at the dragon wearily for a moment, but his gaze softened when the dragon turned into a human again. He certainly was a sight to see, but when he realized he was thinking of the dragon in such a way, he nearly slapped himself outright.

"Archery. After that, you will catch your own meal; and mine."

"Why should I catch your food too?" Alex furrowed his eyebrows, his voice merging on the tone of complaint. "Because I've saved your arse three times now. Do you want me to kill you?" Alex did not whine much after that.

Kyriakos taught the young prince how to create a bow. He first located a tree with bendy, thin limbs; tying a vine to either side, drawing it tight. He then found a slab of obsidian and sharpened it. This in itself took two hours, but the ending result was perfect. He fastened the arrowhead to the arrow, before handing the equipment to Alex.

The prince wrinkled his nose and took the foreign objects, but did not say a word. "Test it out." Kyriakos ordered, and so alex pulled the string, aligning the arrow with it, before letting go. The arrow landed not even ten feet away. "This bow obviously doesnt work." He frowned and looked at the dragon, who sighed tiredly and grabbed it from his hands, retrieving the arrow, before copying the same motions Alex had just done. He hit a tree 40 feet away, perfectly in the middle of the trunk. Kyriakos smirked, but swayed a bit as he took a step towards it. Alex, shocked at how fast he reacted, jumped forward and grabbed Kyriakos' arm to steady him.

 "How long did it take to get here?" He asked the dragon, who turned to look at him with those red eyes of his. They glistened like rubies flickering near a fire.

"I flew with you on my back for about... A day, maybe more. I didn't think it possible that a person could sleep for so long." The dragon smiled absently, taking a seat near the river. "It was a long strain, so I'm going to take a nap. I cannot save you if you end up in trouble again. So watch yourself."

Before Alex could say anything more, Kyriakos was sleeping soundly. Alex sighed, sulking into the surrounding woods. It was wierd, how the dragon was allowing him to see a vulnerable side. A side unprotected. Why was he constantly in his human form? Was it because alex seemed to like it more; or because it was comfortable? He doubted it was, because Kyriakos seemed happier in his dragon from. So it must be for Alex's benefit that the dragon did those things. But why? What did Alex mean to him? Alex was just a meal he carried with him, but why did he care to show the Prince how to hunt, and protect himself?

Later that night, alex returned with a large bore, and an owl he found roosting in a tree. He would of course have the owl, while the dragon would get the bore. He feared it would not be enough to suffice for the dragon, and he might be the next meal.

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