Chapter 4

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The prince awoke with a yawn, only to find a blanket around his shoulders. He vaguely remembered the events of last night; he'd caught his own meal, fallen, and was caught by the dragon turned human.

His eyes widened and he searched for Kyriakos, his head swivelling wildly in an attempt to locate the beast. His ears strained against the natural noises of the forest, but could not deter the sound of a dragon from the other creatures prowling in the dark.

And then, suddenly, he spotted a large dot in the sky. It grew bigger and bigger - giving him a sense of Deja vu - until suddenly there was a dragon barreling towards him. It landed somewhat ungracefully, crashing down nearby trees in order to make room for the large mass of scales, teeth, claws, and muscle.

"I see you're awake." Kyriakos murmured, through a mouth-full of bird. He swallowed it whole, feathers and all. The sight made Alex frown and swallow the bile in his throat.

Alex was somewhat dissapointed that he no longer was able to see the beautiful side of the dragon. Instead, he was now faced with the fact that he had started to consider the dragon human, which he had warned himself against when he first arrived.

He must not get attatched.

"Go catch your breakfast," Kyriakos ordered, his blue eyes watching the weak human as he trudged sleepily towards the water, gasping when the cold touched his skin. "The water's so icy!" He shivered from the contact. Kyriakos rolled his eyes, but kept his gaze on the boy. "Go on, do as you're told."

"And why should I?"

"Because I could kill you within a second." The dragon smirked knowingly, puffing out blue flame that singed the hair on alex's arms. Alex frowned and scowled.

"You keep making that face, it'll get stuck that way." Kyriakos settled near the embankment. His sudden swoop had scared all of the fish away; so as a result, it would take a long time to catch one. "How can I catch one when you're towering over the water like that? Fish aren't blind, I think they know a dragon when they see one. They won't come out."

Kyriakos smirked. "Then find a different meal."

Alex stared at him blankly, as if he thought the dragon were stupid. "I have no weapons. If you havn't noticed, I'm not a dragon. I've never hunted."

"Stop complaining, Prince. Find a weapon, be as silent as you can, and kill an animal. It's not that hard. Or are you scared?" Just before Alex could refuse, the dragon whipped his tail around, smacking Alex in the side. He went flying, but landed in a soft patch of bushes. "You have three hours to track down an animal and kill it. Otherwise I'll eat you." Kyriakos vowed, giving a hungry purr. This was enough to frighten Alex a bit, so he went running off into the woods like a lunatic. But wait; three hours was enough to try to get back to his kingdom, or a nearby village. He could escape. This was his chance!

"If you try to escape, I'll spot you easily. I'm going to follow you from the sky. Don't doubt my arial tracking skills!" The dragon snorted, laying his head down on his fore-claws. He had actually done the boy a favor; this morning, he had scared the nearby animals into a frenzy. There would be plenty of deer flitting about, wild bores looking for hiding places, and other such creatures... If the boy had the bad luck of finding a bear, or a wolf, or even maybe a pack of wolves taking advantage of roaming prey, Kyriakos would have to intervene... only after the boy gained some wounds of his own.

Alex heard the dragon. With a single sentence his hopes had dissapeared in a flourish, leaving despair and some type of raw, carnal excitement; as if he were looking forward to more adventure, or life threatening situations.

In his lifetime, the prince had never hunted, nor had been told anything about killing. He'd lived a very sheltered life, which made it very hard for him.

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