Percy Jackson: Sister and Brother meeting -Four-

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I won't be writing much, I got quizzes and.. unexpectadly low scores from the previous TT.TT DIE MATH !!! -_- ( can math die? not really )


I stumbled on a man. Brown eyes, Black hair

Nico's POV

I've just arrived from the underworld when the stoll brothers gave me this cake, It looked so delicious (and probably looked like an Olympian figurine) that I accepted it right away. I woke up then a girl stumbled on me, wait.. Where am I?

"Uhm.. Hey I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to do that on purpose" The black haired girl said, with dried tear marks on her face and she's wearing something.. I shouldn't talk about it.

"Wait, is there a costume party around here? am I in the mortal world??" I asked

"Mortal world?? Are you insane?" the girl said

"Welcome back Nico" A voice behind the girl said

"Percy!!" The girl turned and went closer to him

"Stop! The Mist is strong today isn't it?" I said, I took off my sword and stabbed it on the ground, some dead people appeared

"As usual Nico, you always summon us when we're at the middle of a good game" A ghost said

"Keep quiet, don 't let the mortal freak out men!" I said

"You see Nico, she's not just a mortal" A voice said

I turned around and saw..... Bianca, my sister.

"What do you mean? Bianca, can't I get you from the underworld?" I desperately asked her, I've been trying to summon her since the day I learned how.

then Bianca disappeared.she appeared second time and I didn't save her, I'm a useless jerk.

"God! You're the demigod who knows his powers here, would you at least concentrate!? " the girl said while helplessly punching the ventus

"Help the girl, I'm gonna find Percy" I said while running out the door.

Percy's POV

All Abigail left us is silence, Great God.  Chiron looked at all of the camper suspiciously and said,

"Who has been tricking our eyes?"

"Perhaps I can answer that" Lauren said, she was the daughter of Hecate.

"But we swear that we did this for good" Laurence said, He and Lauren were the only demigod twins which makes them powerful.

"Speak" I told them with fierce eyes, knowing that they were children of Hecate.

"Juice man has been visiting our dreams" Laurence said

Lauren pinched him and said, "Don't make me remember of my mortal days when I used to call Zeus, the God of the skies, Juice"

"Okay, Zeus  has been visiting our dreams. He said that if Abby knows what she is"

"She will be in grave danger"

"The question is, what is she?" I asked them.

"She is a goddess, and the reason why we put a sign at the top of her head"

"And a magic that changes her clothes"

"Is because we heard that someone told her that she is to be claimed"

"And your telling me that, that someone wants to give you trouble" I said, I can't take this. I sat down with wobbling legs.

"cuse' me" A guy said.

"I'm the one who secretly told Abby... Abigail, because of Lord Hades' order" Carlos said

"Do you want to bring my sister to trouble?!" I stood up

"Ahh that's right, she's not my sister.." I said calmly and sat down.

Then suddenly Nico appeared, "Percy,  there's a person in the attic who's being attacked by the ventus" Nico said, trying hard on what Bianca told him; 'don't blame Percy'

"That must be Abby!" Piper said as she ran with her dagger.


Im bad at grammar etc and etc

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