Percy Jackson: Sister and Brother meeting -two-

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"Everybody, we had a new camper joining today, Abigail will you please move forward" said Chiron

I moved forward and everyone cheered, some of the Aphrodite kids gasped as in with the Capital J

"And for the second news, your sword teacher will be Percy whom I guess returned from his quest with victory in hand" said Chiron

He moved forward and waved at Annabeth, so they're the lovely dovey couple that Piper mentioned.

"Let's get eating, that's all that I have to say and oh! I forget capture the flag on Friday"

Everybody cheered; I gotta ask Piper what's this capture the flag thingy. I saw Piper sitting on her table with her cabin mates when she saw me she waved at me and patted the chair to her right; I went to their table and sat beside her.

"I heard Chiron talked about capture the flag, what is that?" I asked

"My cabin mates don't join alot but I...”

she pointed herself

"I like it alot so I'm going to join this Friday"

"Erm.. I get your point but what exactly is Capture the flag?"

"It's like this, You see that forest? we'll be fighting there. All the Cabins will be combined in two so I make myself careful not to be the enemy of Athena since Annabeth is there and she's so smart, We fight each other. no killing. The winner will get a prize which should be no cleaning duty for a month or something nice"

Piper said and grinned as if it's a normal thing.

"Anyway how do we eat here?" I asked her

"Just get anything from the table. For the goblet, think of anything non-alcohol" she said as she stood up and go to the camp fire with her food. I followed her and I saw each person burning the yummiest part of their food into the fire,"food offering to your godly parent" Piper said as she burned the tofu into crisp, I throwed my 'offering' into  the fire and muttered a prayer. it goes like this

'Oh Godly parent of mine, send me a sign of my cabin and maybe ill throw a more yummier food next time'

and something above me glowed, the crowd was covered in green and when I looked up it was a trident . Poseidon has claimed me

Percy Jackson: Sister and Brother meeting (stopped)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat