chapter 23

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We drove all the way to my house without saying anything and when we got there and parked the car neither of us got out. "Why aren't you talking?" I asked looking down at my hands while picking at my nails.

"I knew we should have just came right here but I gave in and got you ice cream," he sighed.

"It was very good ice cream," I said trying to lighten the mood. He laughed and turned his head so he was looking at me. "You know I really love you right?" he asked.

"Of course I do and I love you too." I replied.

"I have never loved anyone as much as I love you, you are one of the best things to ever happen to me and I feel like I don't deserve you." he said looking sad.

"You deserve anything you want Cole you are one of the best people you have ever met in my life. You are so sweet and I don't even understand how you even like me so much."

"I'm a bad person Sophia that's why your dad doesn't like me." he said

"What are you talking about my dad doesn't even know you."

"Your dad does know me because I was in a gang and he used to be the drug dealer for my leader and I was the one who was forced to go bye the drugs." he said looking anywhere but at me.

"You're not still in the gang are you?" I asked feeling a little scared of what his answer is going to be.

"There is no way for me to get out of it." he replied. I sat there completely shocked that my sweet boyfriend was in a gang and he didn't even bother to tell me till know. He only decided to tell me when my dad is here to be able to tell me the truth. "Please just say something." he pleaded.

"Why couldn't you have just told me before?"

"I was so scared that you would leave me and never talk to me again," he answered looking like he was going to start crying or scream or a mix of both.

"You lied to me!" I said my voice growing louder and tears starting to spill from my eyes.

"I know I'm so sorry I love you so much that I didn't even know it was possible. I have always been able to hold all my feelings in but with you I can't because you are different. You're different then all the girls that are fake when they're around me you are yourself and I love the real you. The one that is obsessed with ice cream, the one who thinks she isn't beautiful but is absolutely gorgeous, the one who puts other people before herself and the one who I'm completely and absolutely in love with!" I am crying my eyes out and I can't stop. That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me and it made me completely forget about the fact that he is in a gang and lied to me. "I will try and leave the gang for you just tell me you still love me and that you won't leave," he pleaded.

"Of course I still love you I could never not love you Cole!" I said, "I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm not going anywhere," I said lowering my voice.

A smile broke onto his beautiful face right when I said that and I couldn't help but smile with him. He leaned over to the passengers side and gently kissed my lips and whispered, "I'm so sorry princess."

"I know," I nodded. "You are going to have to make me be able to trust you again."

He nodded while kissing my cheek and getting out of the car. He walked over to my side of the car and opened my door for me. "I am pretty sure I have two working arms that can open a car door," I said sarcastically.

"You just got out of the hospital so just shut up and let me take care of you." he said picking me up out of the car and carrying me up to my front door. He set me down and we both knocked on the door till someone answered. "You guys are a bunch of five year olds!" Hope exclaimed swinging the door open stopping us from our annoying knocking. We walked in and slowly made our way to the living room where my mom was sitting waiting for us. "Where have you kids been?" she asked.

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