Chapter 5

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I was in the corner of the bathroom curled up in a ball crying, praying that no one would come in while I'm in this state. Unfortunately my praying didn't help because someone walked in. To my surprise it was just Hope and I was thankful for that.

She turned and saw me and said, "oh my god, Sophia what are you doing,why did you run away like that?"

"I don't know I guess I just hoped that he actually cared about me," I sobbed.

"Well if you would have stayed two seconds longer you would of saw that Cole punched Chase square in the jaw when he saw you crying!" She exclaimed.

I just sat there thinking to myself, why on earth does this boy keep trying to protect me. He is obviously pretty popular because everyone talks to him and is nice to him. It just doesn't make sense at all.

Hope waved her hands in front of my face snapping me out of my thoughts. "Sophia he got suspended!" She yelled, "he got suspended FOR YOU!" She said right in my face.

"Look at the facts hope he doesn't care about me this is all for show,or a dare from one of his friends and Chase just saying that puts it all together."

" Sophia Rose you are so stupid I can't believe you don't understand that he has been trying to protect you all morning," she said trying not to yell in my face again, "because you were so busy running away this morning to homeroom you couldn't see that he followed you till you got there and shoved anyone who looked at you the wrong way!" She screamed not being able to contain her frustration.

I just sat there staring at her trying to comprehend everything she just told me. Maybe if I just ask him if he is messing with me he will tell the truth. The only thing is that I have no idea how to find him.


School was finally over and I got to go home and put on some comfy clothes and watch Netflix. I was walking down the street when I herd someone behind me. "Hello Sophia," right away I knew who it was.


I started to run but that was kind of stupid. I mean he is the captain of the football team for Christ sake.

"What do you want!" I asked while trying to make him let me go.

"I want you to know that everything that happened today was all for show. Cole doesn't like you and never will,he told me to finish you off after school today so here I am." He said with a smirk.

I started screaming at the top of my lungs but before anyone could here me he put a hand over my mouth and dragged me behind a bush.

He removed his hand from my mouth and said, "if you scream again it will be worse than it already is," he said in a whisper tone.

I nodded and stood there waiting and then I felt a rush of pain come to my knee and I fell Strait to the floor. He kicked me as hard as he could in the stomach and then grabbed my shirt and yanked me so I was standing in front of him.

"If you say anything to anyone you better stay away from me and Cole because when we are done with you you will be crying!" He yelled in my ear.

I nodded and started running in the direction in my house.


I was laying on my bed crying my eyes out when I heard my mom say I had a friend at the door so I went down because it was probably Hope. I was wrong standing in the middle of my living room was Cole Fisher and right when I saw him the tears started running down my face again.

He turned around and saw me standing there crying and started walking towards me. I backed away and he stopped moving looking a little sad.

"Sophia can we just please talk?" He asked quietly.

"No!" I yelled, "stay away from me."

I notice him staring at my stomach and I looked down and forgot I put on my comfy shirt that is cropped a little and shows some of my stomach. What do you think he saw? He saw the already forming Bruises from Chase earlier.

He came running at me grabbing my arm and yanked me upstairs to my room. I was ready for it this happens everyday I was ready for anything he did. He started coming towards me and I flinched a little and he looked at me with those stupid concerned eyes again.

I closed my eyes waiting for the punch but he did something I wasn't expecting.

He pulled me in for a hug.

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