Chapter 1

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"Beep beep" "beep beep"

"Ugg why does school have to be so early?" I asked myself while slamming my hand on my alarm clock. Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely hate waking up. If I could sleep all day I would.

I crawled out of bed and threw my long brown hair into a messy bun so I could go brush my teeth and wash my face. I walked into the bathroom and washed my face with freezing cold water in an attempt to wake myself up because I'm still half asleep and then went to brush my teeth.

I went to my dresser and got out a pair of my black jeans and a baggy sweatshirt like I wear everyday then slipped on the jeans and threw on my sweatshirt. Since everyone at school doesn't like me already there isn't really a point in looking nice is there?

"Did you sleep well last night?" She asked in her I don't really care voice.

"Okay I guess," I mumbled under my breath. My mom and I have not had a good relationship ever since my dad died. I was 10 years old when heaven gained another angel. He was my best friend, my first love, and my dad and I will never get over his death for the rest of my life. However I have learned to move on and remember him like he would have wanted me to do. My mother on the other hand blames me for his death because he was picking me up from my friends house when the truck hit his car. He died instantly and We never got to say goodbye.

"Don't give me that attitude Sophia Rose!" My mother yelled at me.

"Sorry," I said while running out of the house and slamming the door behind me.

I walked all the way to school since my mother obviously didn't care if I got sick in the rain or kidnapped. I just can't wait till I'm 18.

I walked into the building and went strait to my locker trying to avoid anyone who would hurt me physically and or mentally.

I got to my locker and found my best friend Hope Boulanger already there with jeans on and a Taylor swift shirt. Her long black hair was curled and pinned back out of her face and her makeup looked amazing as always. Sometimes I am really jealous of Hope because she is so beautiful and she can actually talk to people and not get dirty looks.

Hope and I met during freshman year when we both were eating our lunch in the library. Sad I know. We bonded over our love for binge watching tv shows and food. She is not like me at all, she loves confrontations and will get in someone's face if she gets pissed while I will stutter and back away. She is also very loud and optimistic and well I'm quite the opposite. I guess you could say opposites attract.

"Hey!" She yelled as soon as she saw me walking over to her.

"Hi," I said greeting her at my locker.

"Why so down shorty," she asked. Pulling me in for a hug.

"I don't know what your talking about," I said trying to avoid the topic.

"I know you and I know when you're lying soph!" She told me.

"It's nothing it's just that my mom was being a bitch this morning,that's all," I told her hoping she would drop it.

"Okay," she said. I knew that she knows I'm lying but she dropped the subject anyway and smiled as she walked down the hall.

I was walking down the hall to homeroom when I heard a voice coming from down the hall.

"Hey dumb ass!" I heard Chase the schools football captain say from behind me. Chase is my main tormentor in this school. If his father wasn't the Sheriff I would have gone to the police  a while ago. I know that nothing would happen to him so I just have to deal with this for the rest of my time here.

"Um I have to go," I mumbled under my breath.

"No you don't Sophia your coming with me!" He yelled at me.

He took my forearm and dragged me down the hall to a empty classroom. He closed the door and locked it so no one could come in.

"C-can I-I-I p-p-please leave?" I asked stuttering like and idiot. Of course I have to stutter when I should be fighting.

"No I'm bored and you are my punching bag so shut up!" He yells.

He punched me in the stomach and I collapsed on the floor holding onto the area he punched when he kicked me in my rib causing me to gasp for air. I know that there will definitely be a bruise but I'm kind of used to that by now.

"I'm done with you so leave!" He said while shoving me out of the door.

I walked out of the room crying and wincing at the pain. Then something caught my eye at the end of the hall. Cole Fisher was standing there staring at me with concern in his eyes. Cole fisher! The schools bad boy had concern in his eyes and saw me crying! Why do I have a feeling this might be held against me. I turned around and walked to homeroom trying to forget everything that just happened. Every time I tried to forget his blue eyes kept popping up in my head.

The bad boy is my new best friend Where stories live. Discover now