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“There she is!  Get her!” A knight of the rival kingdom shouted, alerting all of the men to get on their horses.  A girl turned her head to face the large group, and quickly put the items that she stolen into her bag to escape quickly.  She then took the chance to look around for a way of fast transportation, when she realized one was standing right in front of her.

The girl hopped on the white horse that someone had kindly left near a post, and hitched the reins for it to get moving.  It neighed at the feeling of an unfamiliar girl on its back, but it obeyed, running like the wind down the streets.  Her heartbeat raced when she saw the knights getting close to her.

She kept yanking the reins, and kicking the horse’s side in hopes it will get the horse to move quicker, but it didn’t work.  The girl growled in frustration, and looked around for a chance to use what she needed.  When the chance was found, she hid behind a building, and hopped off of the horse; she reached in her bag quickly and grabbed a potion she had made.

Bringing the potion to the horse’s mouth, she tilted it up so it could be drunken out of.  The sweet liquid was gone in a matter of a few seconds.

The young brunette jumped back on the beautiful animal, and let it run free, letting the potion do its work.  Considering the drink had minor doses of magic, the horse was now running a lot quicker than before.  That didn’t stop the knights from catching up to her, though.

“Ember Annora Bigot you are under arrest for theft.  I advise you to stop moving right now or the consequences will be harsh when you are caught!” A knight called, making Ember roll her eyes.

Horses galloped along the city road, their riders trying desperately to catch up with the young girl who had gotten a head start with her theft.  They chased Ember as fast as they could, but it was no use considering they weren’t as quick as the small fledgling.  Although the potion was temporary, and it would die out within a few seconds, Ember still hurried to try to get to her family that lived in the other kingdom.  She feared of not returning.

Ember trotted into a forest, slowing down on the snow path when she found herself out of reach from the rival castles’ men, wiping the sweat off of her forehead with her handkerchief.  She sighed, and buried her head in her hands as her horse walked down the forest.  She tore her hands away from herself, and looked in her bag to check if the stolen items were still there.  Luckily, everything she had taken are right where Ember put them.

Ember’s heartbeat quickened when she heard the sound of knights, and men shouting, their screeches filling the forest, piercing her ears.  Taking it as a sign to start moving again, she grabbed the reins of the horse, and motioned for it to start running.  It did gleefully, neighing as he galloped down the road to the destination Ember was trying to run to.

The potion was slowly giving out, the inhuman speed going away little by little.  Ember’s’ quick movements were now normal, and the knights were catching up to her.  She could feel herself shaking as she grasped onto the reins that was keeping her in place.  But because of her trembling, her hold was soon loosening, and she was falling off of the horse fast.

Ember was grasping onto the saddle as she fell loose, hanging on the side of the horse, trying desperately to get back on to escape the rivals.  She heard a short laughter right beside her, making her turn her head up to see who had suddenly made their way to the young criminal.  It was her best friend, Audrina, with a wide smirk on her face, her black hair blowing with the wind.

“You are in a big mess my dear friend.” She teased, pushing up Ember with her small hand as the two’s horses galloped along the dirt path.  The brunette scoffed at Audrina, rolling her eyes when she did so.  “Now now, don’t be angry at me, I just saved your life.”

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