The Interview Special

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Author's Note: So this is what I promised you guys. An interview. You will now see the inside work of my book, the characters, the plot, and all of that other stuff. And you can see the character's interact with each other. The tricky part is William and Lizzabeth aren't suppose to meet each other just yet. Well I'll have to figure that our later. So just imagine we're all in this interview studio or whatever. I am behind a mahogany desk (Hunger Game fans will get this) because I'm awesome, and the others are sitting on comfy armchairs. Probably leather, burgundy, they were on a great sale at 50% off and- Back to the interview.

I will make some questions people might be wondering to both me, the author, and the characters. And feel free to post questions of your own at the comments below, and I'll have one of the characters or me answer them for you.

Okay let's have fun!

Rubix: Hello everyone, and welcome to The Pental Pal Interview Special. Let me welcome our guests: William Patier, Lizzabeth Teschler, Eddie Anderson and Aldridge Dawson.

William: 'Sup.

Lizzabeth: Hello.

Eddie: Yo.

Aldridge: Hey.

Rubix: More guests will arrive later. But right now we'll be talking with the main characters.

Eddie: I'm a main character. Awesome!

Aldridge: Wait, what do you mean by main characters?

William: Why am I even here?

Lizzabeth: Oh my- William, is that you?

William: Lizzabeth?

Rubix: Hey, hey, you two are not allowed to have small talk. You're not even supposed to know each other's voices.

William: Hey how come some little girl is telling is what to do?

Rubix: Well this "little girl" can kick you ass if she wanted to. So shut up.

Eddie: Ooh. Will, you just got back talked by a little-

Rubix: Call me little girl one more time. I dare you.

Eddie: Yes ma'm.

Aldridge: You didn't answer my question.

Rubix: Relax, I was getting to that. You guys are characters of my book, The Pental Pal. And I am your creator, maker, the author. But I'm not going to go into that cliche stuff where I use my powers as an author to mess with you guys or make you guys bow down to me. On that happy note, let's get started with the questions!

Lizzabeth: So people or readers ask questions about this book?

Rubix: (Nervous chuckle) Not exactly. This book isn't that "popular" in Wattpad yet. It only has like 11,000 something reads so far, which is the most of any of my works, second is It All Started with a Jacket. So I'm going to ask questions that readers might be wondering. I'll add more questions from readers later.

Eddie: That sucks. I thought I'd be popular here like with the ladies.

William: Your mom doesn't count.

Eddie: Shut up.

Rubix. Hey, I don't want any fighting here.

Eddie: (Coughs) You did just threaten William about kicking his-

Rubix: I'll be reading these questions in these index cards. (Flips index card over and reads) First question! 1. How did I come up with this book?

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