Letter Six: Will Patier

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October 23

Dear Liz,

My favorite color is black, a pretty dull but strong color. I don't have a favorite song, but I like bands like Blink-182 or Green Day.

I used to have a goldfish I called Goldy (don't blame me, I was like 7) I won from a fair. Funny story actually. When I came back home from the fair with my fish, my mom put the fish in the bowl. The next day I wanted to feed the fish and I found out my mom accidentally out the fish behind the toaster and it got fried. I still laugh about that. It was disgustingly cool, but sad.

I've always wanted to go to New York City too. I want to see the Empire State Building ever since I listened to the song We Are Young by Fun. And I have a favorite book, pretty surprising right? The school had us pick at least one book to read so I found a book called Morpheus Road: The Light by D. J. MacHale. It's this horror, fantasy book, my type of genre. I got into it and read the rest of the trilogy, The Black and The Blood. Also I like this book called, The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton, when I had to read it in 7th grade, it was a good book too. I don't think your book choices are boring, I like adventure books to.

Now it's my turn.

What's your type of movie? Mine would be any horror one with good special effects. Old ones with bad effects make me laugh as if its a comedy. But some classic ones are good, even with the cheesy special effects.

Do you have any siblings? I have an older brother, Mitchel who I call Mitch. He's off at college but when he visits it's like he never left.

Do you have a weakness? Mine would be my skateboard. I'd be lost without it. 

How do you describe yourself? I'd say I'm a serious back-talker of a troublemaker, who rarely smiles but I have a good sense of humor.

And I think I'm crossing a line here but I want to know... are you dating anyone? I'm not. Um, it's not like I'm asking you out or anything, that would be stupid. I was just, y'know, curious...



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