Chapter 2

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Spur of the moment, adventurous, and living on the edge. Those are 3 ways you could not describe my personality. I like order and I like planning. but of course with this being Isobella there was no way to take a week and plan a trip to visit her. She never stayed in one town for too long and never said where she would be next. She always said she was following the job. To be completely honest, I don't think she even has a savings account. who  doesn't have a savings account?

I had come home to find Ruby finishing up some appetizers and let her know I would be out of the way for the weekend so that she and the girls could have a ladies night. "but what are you going to do? Are one of the guys in town? oh my God, did someone pass away??" the look in her face was of concern, it really wasn't like me to make sudden plans, especially without her knowing. "No, honey, everything is okay. You have this party going on and Iso is just 2 hours away. I figured I would go by and pay her and little Joey a visit. I want to see the look on her face when I ask her to be part of the wedding." I figured the explanation would be enough to take away her worry, but she seemed to have some reservations, before she agreed seemingly to get back to her decorating. She and I had a common desire for everything to be done ahead of schedule. "Well, would it be insensitive of me not to be there? I mean I haven't met her yet, and she is going to be a part of the wedding party..."  she started, but I assured her "She's only going to be in Pleasantville until Monday morning and then she will be halfway across the country for another job. You have your party and have enough to worry about here. Just try to relax and I will be home Sunday morning." Hopefully that would give her enough time to clean up after the party, I may like order and tidiness, but I didn't really enjoy cleaning, especially after a couple of crazy nights that the sorority sisters take on the nights. I was pretty sure it was going to get out of Ruby's hands a few wine glasses in especially with Bridget around. 

due to Ruby's car being at the mechanic, I was going to leave my trusty steed, my 2005 blue mustang that i received as my graduation gift, with her while I left on my visit to Pleasant Farms. Ruby dropped me off that Saturday morning at the bus Station. I wasn't too fond of crowded places but Ruby had a few appointments and errands to run so she dropped me off a few hours early. I found a bench where I would watch other travelers being dropped off and remembered the last time I had been at a bus station. I was 19, and it was about 8 in the morning. I had been awoken by my phone at 730 by a shaky voice asking me for a huge favor. I put on some jeans and a t shirt and went for isobelle at her apartment. she had a backpack and Joey was Over her shoulder asleep. we strapped him into the back seat and we took off, she was disheveled and her bangs were hiding part of her face. I didn't ask anything I wasn't sure i wanted to know what was going on with her. I promise myself I wouldn't get involved. I got to the station and stayed in the car with Joey while she went inside. she came back 10 minutes later, for her son. I then got out to help her with her bag, but she took it from me. when she swung her bag over her shoulder I could see the scab across her cheekbone. I figured what she was doing. I begged her not to go. I wanted her to stay, we could help her, she could figure something out. My parents loved her and Joey, they would do anything. but she was certain that there wasn't anything anyone could do. Angelo had hurt her before but never this bad, she was running away. and i wasn't sure I could let her go. I didn't have much to offer her and didn't know what to say to change her mind. I pulled out my wallet and pulled out $53, all that I had left that I was supposed to use for gas. I handed it to her and she pushed it away, "no Javi, I cant take anything from you. You have already done so much for me." she was tearing up and I couldn't let her leave with nothing, I shoved it into her backpack and said, "Its for Jo.  for snacks or something". She smiled and nodded, "Thanks for everything." as she threw her free arm around me and I kissed her forehead. "call me when you get to where ever you're going" she smiled and got into the bus and made her way to a seat.  I stepped back and just watched passengers make their way after her.  She took the window seat and looked out at me, I could see worry in her eyes no matter how brave she tried to be. I wondered if she could see the worry in my face.  and with that I heard the bus accordion doors loudly squeal shut, and she was off.

My bus arrived and I gathered my suit case and made my way to my seat and I was off on my journey 

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