"Oh Primus, don't tell me you left!"

"I'm still here Night, geez." He actually allowed himself to relax a bit. Optimus hadn't realized that his entire frame was tense, and kind of hot. "What are you waiting for? C'mon in." She did, though the door did slide open with a creak. That's going to get annoying. She sat down on the desk that was across the room, but really close to the door. Her optics seemed busy, dull.

"Are you alright?" Lowering his head, eyeing the old femme, he also noticed that her field was buzzing. He tentatively released his field, mingling with hers when she didn't respond immediately. She was usually pretty quick to respond to anything and everything.

He noticed again that she reset her optics, they were not so dim and dull as before. "I'll be fine. Some solid recharge would do us both some good." Sighing, she waved him off, dismissing it as nothing important. "I just wanted to talk to ya. 'Ve a few things I wanted to bring up."

He snorted but leaned up, a stiffness to his back, a feeling he was all too familiar with since forever plagued him. "You certainly sound tired. Usually, you are very precise with your speech." Optimus gave a sympathetic look; they were similar in this sense. Their vocabulary suffers when they're tired, but he's gotten better with hiding how exhausted he really is. War never sleeps.

Night smirked and gave a throaty chuckle. "Yeah, well, what can ya do?" She asked his rhetorical question with a shrug. "I wanted to ask if you wanted to come down, planet side, when we land. We're gonna be landing soon; sooner than I predicted. Maybe in two and a half cycles."

Optimus looked away a moment, collecting his thoughts, going through the pros and cons of going down or not. There weren't very many pros but the cons seemed to outnumber his attempted hopefulness. He could be welcomed; Screwloose seemed worried that he'd be the usual Prime, no association with common mecha. Or he could be ridiculed for a war he did not start... but he never finished it either.

If he didn't go planet side, they'd most likely say that he thought higher of himself than those there. Really, his entire head was rolling with reasons to stay and to go. Ultimately, he sighed and looked back at Night, he optics back to a dull glow of purple. "I'll go down." It made her smile. "Wonderful. A lot of mecha were hoping you would. Screw couldn't keep his trap shut."

He shook his head, "That's something I suppose." Night gave a curt nod. "Yeah. We won't be staying too long. Gonna be trading ships and head out." Optimus tilted his head. Head out where, he thought. So he asked her, she only shrugged at first.

"Need to go to Earth, have to check on a few things there too. Kind of just go and relax I guess." His plating flared out unintentionally, it was louder than he hoped for too. There was a growing heat that rose in his systems at the very idea of going to Earth. It was a kind of strange hope that was starting to be pushed away with an embarrassment. "Want to come with Sky, Moon, and me? You're welcome to come if you want." She smiled, the bottom of her optics lifted up. She was being sincere. Optimus missed this kind of sincerity.

Optimus then looked around the room again, "Are you certain it is fine? What about Skyblaze? What is her say in this? I don't want to encroach." His hands came to rest on his knees, squeezing a little here and there. Night's smile never left her, "You can't encroach if invited, Optimus. And besides, Sky loves you. You're kinda like her little brother. And mine too, really." Shrugging again, she brightened her optics. "You can make up your mind later. Wanna play a round of Fullstasis?" There was a gleam in those purple optics.

It almost made him smile, there was a hum of amusement towards her. She wants to play... a game... Optimus hadn't had the ability to have the ability to enjoy anything so menial for a long time. No one has really. War takes many things for everyone. It's the simple things that are worth fighting for, or every little happiness leaves you to die. Optimus nodded.

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