Chapter 17- Out With The Old In With The New

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Luna's Pov: 

"Just breathe Luna. Just breathe in and out." I tell myself while looking at my reflection in the mirror of the bathroom. As soon as Mama and Papa Fuentes walked through the front door I just lost it. So since Vic and I were standing in a dark corner of the room I slipped through the door that leads to the kitchen and quietly but quickly made my way to the bathroom. You see I've never had the best experience with family so now whenever I have to see someone from my family I have a panic attack. So here I am. In the bathroom. 

*Knock knock*

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Vic. Can I come in?" Vic's voice says to me.

"Yes." I answer his request. Vic opens the door and closes it behind him. I put the top of the toilet seat down and sit on top of it. I put my head in my hands resting my elbows on my thighs. 

"Hey Luna it's alright I promise my parents are so nice they will love you!" Vic says grabbing my wrists gently. I move my hands from my face and see Vic kneeling in front of me. Memories of my "family" and how they treated me flow into my mind. I want my hands to return to my face but Vic firmly holds them down in my lap. 

"Vic.." I whisper in a weak voice.

"Luna it's okay." He says one hand moves to my face and gently rubs it. 

"Vic you don't know how it feels...."I choke out. Vic's hand leaves my face and he stands up and starts pacing across the bathroom. 

"What do I not know how it feels? I've gone through equally as much as you! I was just trying to help!" He says in a angry voice.

"Vic! Don't say that to me! You've always had supportive parents that love you no matter what! My parents abused me mentally and emotionally! You have no idea how it feels to not even have your parents on your side!" I say loudly enough that he can hear the frustration and anger in my voice but quiet enough so no one else can hear our conversation. Vic turns around and looks at me. His eyes soften and fill with a look of regret. Vic walks over to me and pulls me up off the seat so that I'm standing. I bury my head in his shoulder and he keeps one hand on the back of my neck and one on my back. 

"I hate it Vic I hate it! I don't want us to be like them. Please don't let us be like them." I say into Vic shoulder. He rubs my back. 

"Luna look at me. Look at me." He says and grabs my head with his hands and makes me look at him. "You are nothing like your parents and never will be. Your compassionate, caring, helpful, smart,......and may I add you are beautiful." He says and slowly pulls my face to his. Our lips meet but he pulls away after a few seconds and rests his forehead against mine.

"Now will you please come with me and meet my parents?" He says calmly and quietly. I bite my lip and nod. He kisses my forehead and takes my hand in his.  Our fingers interlock and we make our way to the living room. Vic swings his arm causing my arm to swing too. 

"Your such an idiot." I say while giggling. 

"A handsome idiot." He says and winks at me. I roll my eyes at him and giggle again. 

When we reach the living room Mike is standing next to his parents with a arm swung over Claire's shoulder. 

"So where is my little Vic?" Mama Fuentes says. Mike and Claire move out of the way so that they can see us. Vic gives a little wave and walks up to his parents pulling me behind him.

"Vic it's been to long!" His mother says and gives him a hug.

"Hello son." Papa Fuentes says and hugs Vic. Vic then returns back to my side.

"And who's this pretty lady?" Mama Fuentes says.

"This is my fiance Luna." Vic answers and gives my hand a little squeeze. 

"Hi." I say in a shy voice. I hold on to Vic's hand like my life depends on it and I feel myself shrinking into his arm. Suddenly Mama Fuentes comes running over to me and engulfs me in a hug. 

"Hello Luna! I am Vic's mom and that is Vic's dad" she says pointing to Vic's dad "but you can just call us Mama and Papa Fuentes!" she says smiling.  I wave to Papa Fuentes. 

"Welcome to our family hon." Mama Fuentes says.

Our family

I like how that sounds.

Author's Note: Okay this is superrrrr short but that's because I'm going to try my very very very much hardest to publish the next and LAST chapter of I Choose You. But don't worry there is going to be a sequel but I need to pick the name of the book any suggestions? Okay well thanks guys and byeeeeeeeee. 

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