Chapter 15- Apologies

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Luna's Pov:

I run after Vic down the stairs.

After I dragged my emotionally broken body out of the bathroom I fell to the floor and Vic made me explain everything. And after mentioning Jaime left me in the bathroom despite my screams Vic was furious and took off to go downstairs I'm guessing to find Jaime.

I reach for Vic's arm but he walks even faster. Oh no Jaime is screwed.

We enter the kitchen and there are most of the couples including Jaime and Jess. Vic walks up to Jaime and punches him in the eye. The whole room goes silent and gasps fill the room. Jess's eyes go wide and she examines Jaime's eye. Vic stands there his hands still balled into fists. I run up to him and try to calm him down.

"Dude what was that for?" Jaime asks.

"For putting my girlfriend in the bathroom tub. Are you stupid? The bathroom?!?!?" He asks his voice raising near the end. The whole room goes silent and Vic and Jaime stare at each other. Jaime has a look of guilt covering his face. I look at both of them in their death stare. Then I lose it and start laughing really hard. I hold my stomach and lean against the wall while all eyes turn to me a look of confusion on everyone's face.

"What's so funny?" Vic asks.

"Putting my girlfriend in the bathroom tub." I repeat Vic's words. "Seriously how you worded it was to funny. But to be completely serious it was sort of stupid to put me in the bathroom but I'm fine now so yeah." I say. All eyes still remain on me with a questioning look. I sigh and get up and grab a bottle of aspirin and then walk to my room to get my phone and my favorite blanket. It's black and super fluffy. I then go into the living room and sit on the couch Indian style and I drape the blanket over my head so that the blanket is covering my head. I take two aspirins for the pounding pain in my head. Suddenly I feel something land on the couch. I take the blanket off my head and see Frank on the couch, he immediately starts wagging his tail when he sees me and he comes running over to me.

"Hello Frankie!" I say as he jumps on top of me. I giggle until I hear more shouts coming from the kitchen. I sigh.

"Silly boys always fighting." I say and stand up with my blanket still wrapped around me and I pick up Frank and my phone . I shuffle down the hallway that leads to my room. Before I turn the corner to go to my room I go pass the kitchen door. I stop as I hear Vic, Jaime and Tony's voice. It's now 9:00 and mostly everyone went outside.

"Jaime are you crazy?" Tony's voice says.

"She just lost her parents we can't everyone's parents over to rub it in her face that we have parents alive and she doesn't!" Vic shouts.

"Look I was just thinking okay?" Jaime says and me knowing them Tony and Vic are staring at Jaime so he gets the point.

"I'll try to ask her about it tonight. Where is she anyway?" Vic says and I hear footsteps. I quickly walk into my room and lay down on my bed with Frank and rub his soft ear. A few minutes later my door opens. I look over my shoulder to see Vic peeking in.

"Hey come in." I say to him and he nods and comes in. He walks around the bed and lays on the other side of the bed so that Frank is between us. He looks at Frank for a while and starts rubbing Franks back.

"So I wanted to talk to you about something." Vic says his eyes moving to mine. Usually I would be nervous if someone said this to me but I already knew what he was going to say so I just kept calm.

"Yea." I say trying not to suggest I was just eavesdropping on their conversation.

"So tomorrow is the last full day at the house and then the next day the five weeks are up." Vic says and moves his hand off of Frank and onto my hip. His other arm props his head up against the pillow.

"Man 5 weeks went by fast." I say to him. I grin at him.

"Yeah so the day you leave I can't come with you because I have to meet my record producer to go over our next album." He says. My grin turns into a frown. This will be my first time not being around him in 5 weeks.

"That's okay. Will you be back the next day." I ask.

"Yeah but we'll go over the specifics later like where we're going to live and such." He says and I nod. Now realizing I most likely won't be living with my best friend anymore.

"So anyway I also wanted to ask you something." He says his face turns serious.

"Okay." I say.

"Well Jaime called every girl's parents and told them that we want to meet them so everyone's parents including the guys are coming tomorrow. I just wanted to make sure you're okay with this because you know....." He says not wanting to say that my parents are dead.

"It's okay. My parents are dead. There's nothing I can do to change that." I say.

"So you're okay with it?" Vic asks.

"Yes. I've wanted to meet Mama and Papa Fuentes for a long time anyway." I say and giggle. Vic grins.

"God I love you." He says pulling me closer to him. Frank gets up and moves to lay against the back of my legs. Our faces now are only inches apart.

"I love you too." I say and he kisses my forehead.

Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry for the terribly written and short chapter. Life sort of got in the way of my writing......

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