Chapter 4- Reliving it

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Vic's Pov: 

I walked into the room to see everyone staring at Luna. Rumer is laughing and I'm very confused. Luna gets up and runs down the hallway. Natalie gets up to go after her but I stop her.

"I've got it." I tell her. She looks me in the eyes and whispers,

"Be careful Fuentes. She's fragile."

I nod and quickly walk down the hallway I saw Luna disappear to. As I walk I hear soft sobs. In front of me is Luna kneeling and crying. I pick her up and she doesn't even resist me. 

"They've seen the me I hide." she whispers.   

I look down and see her exposed wrist. On it is a tattoo that says "Love yourself". It covers many white lines. I feel myself sinking inside. How can someone so beautiful feel so much pain? I walk into her and Natalie's room and close the door behind me. I sit down on the floor and sit against the foot of the bed. I cradle Luna in my arms. She buries her head in my chest. I look down at her and I rub her head with my thumb. I've known her for less than a day but it's felt like a lifetime. 

I whisper to her, "I'll never let them hurt you again." I can feel her relax and her breath slow. I put her in her bed and start to walk away when I hear her say,

"Thank you." 

I smile and walk out of the room. 

Luna has stolen my heart. 

Luna's Pov: 

I wake up and look at the clock. It's 11:50. I hear the clatter of plates in the kitchen indicating everyone was up except me. Remembering what happened last night I feel a little scared to face everyone. But then I remember what Vic said and I can't help but smile. I think I'm falling for him. 

"No Luna no! You've only known him for a day! Do not fall in love so easily! Haven't you learned anything from Ben? " I say to myself. 

I pull myself out of bed and try to make myself look a little bit human. 

I walk into the kitchen and see everyone eating breakfast together at the table. Rumer smirks at me. I just walk away to go make coffee. As I make my coffee a hand gently grabs my shoulder. I turn around to see Vic. I pull him into a hug and tell him thank you. He blushes and looks at the ground while walking away. 

I finish making my coffee and go to the table and sit down next to Willow. I feel all eyes turn to me. 

"I don't know what you want me to say." I say not looking up from my coffee. 

" You don't have to say anything. It wasn't our business." Gerard who is sitting next to me says. 

I don't say anything in return and the rest of breakfast is pretty quiet. After breakfast  I was sitting on a couch in the living room on my phone checking the twitter page Vic made for this whole thing. There was a picture from yesterday of all the girls together. Oh and Frank. Frank is in the backyard with Tony. Tony loves Frank. Willow comes into the room and says to me,

"Hey can we talk for a sec?" I nod and follow her into her and Claire's room. She sits on her bed and motions for me to sit also. I sit down and she looks at me and lifts her sleeve so I can see her arm.

"I know how it feels and you always have me to talk to." she says to me and I hug her. I tell her that I don't do it anymore and that my depression has gone away and I just have mild anxiety now.

Suddenly over the intercom I hear Josh's voice come over the intercom and he says,

"Will everyone please come out to the backyard." Willow and I get up and follow the instructions. 

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