New kid~Chapter 1~Dipper's POV

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"Today I had to deal with the boys at my school all up on me again. I'm so tired of them all up on me because I look like a girl, can't a gay boy just be left alone." Thinks to himself.

Oh hi I'm Dipper Pines I'm a high schooler at Gravity Falls high school and yes I'm gay and all the boys are all up on me and I really don't like it I would like it is no one knew I was gay and most of the boys are not even cute or hot at all god I don't know how all the girls like them but enough with blabbing let's get to the story."

~time skip~ (at lunch)
"Finally almost time to go home, and thankful no boys have talked to me yet." Thinks to himself and gets up to to throw his tray away and five boys go up to him and tell him that he needs to go with them or they will hurt him. So he followed them and they took him to the roof to tell him something. "Would you like to go out with me." One of the boys said. ("Why is he asking me this.") thinks to himself. "Well um...I don't really want to." I say to them. "Why??" The boy who asked me out says. "Because I'm not into dating." I say to him trying to be nice. The boy starts getting mad and sad so he picked Dipper up by his collar and says. "Why do you not want to date me, all the girls are in love with me, why don't you.?" The boy says to me. "Because I'm not a girl and I don't like boys who brag about themselves." I say getting a lot of confidence in me.

~time skip to end of the day~
Finally it is time to go home and then the bell rings as I say that. I get up and go get my stuff and run out of the school but I ran into someone. "S-s-sorry sir." I say looking up to see a tall man with blond and black hair with a yellow hoodie, and black skinny jeans, and black and yellow shoes. I blush at him. "It's okay." The tall man says to me and my face turns red, so I get up and run out of the school because I see Robbie and his gang coming up to me (btw Robbie asked dipper out) and they start running after me.

~time skip to Dipper's house/the shack~
"Ughhhhhh!!" I sighs and see Mabel walk in the room and come over to me. "What's the matter bro bro.?" She says to me worried. "People at my school keep trying to ask me out." I say to her a little annoyed. "Like who?" She says curiously. "Let's see Robbie again but he said it himself." I say to her annoyed. "REALLY!!! HIM!!!!" She says really loud and surprised. "Yep." I say and go upstairs to go to my room, because Mabel lives in the room I found downstairs. So I go to my bed and lay down and drift off to sleep.

~time skip to in the morning~
"Beep, beep, beep.!!" I hear my alarm clock go off so I get up and get dressed then go downstairs for breakfast for us. "That smells good Mabel." I say to Mabel as I walk in the kitchen. "Thank you it is your favorite eggs and bacon." She says to me happy.

I just smile and tell her thank you then eat my breakfast then head off to school without Mabel because she is sick but it will get better.

~time skip to at school~
"Ugh." I sigh and walk into school so I can go to my first class. I got my stuff then try to get to my first class but Robbie saw me and I started to run past him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him witch I did not like so I kicked and punched to try to get away from him but I didn't get away but the kid from yesterday walked by and saw me and Robbie but then Robbie kissed me on the lips in front of the new kid. "Mmmmm..." I try to something and try pushing him off me, finally I get him off of me and yell. "GET OFF ME.!!!" I scream and the new kid is still standing there."Hey get off of him Robbie." The new says to Robbie. "NO, and how do you know my name.!" Robbie yells at the new kid while I just stood there shocked that Robbie kissed me. "I know who you are from all the girls talking about how sexy you are." The new kid said. "Who are you, and what is your name." Robbie says to the new kid. "Oh my you don't need to know that you will find out if you are in my first period." The new kid says.

I walk away from Robbie and the new kid and go to my first class and wait for people to get here.

~time skip to in class~
I was sitting by the window looking out it and decided to look over and there was the new kid in the front of the classroom. "Okay kids we have a new student to day." The teacher says and I look at him and he looks at me so I turn back to the window I was staring out of I hear the teacher say something and I look up. "Well why don't you tell us your name." The teacher says. "The name is Bill Cipher." The new kid says and looks at me.("I think I'm blushing crap.") I think in my head. "Sense there are no more sets and only partner tables you can sit by Mr. Pines, Mr. Pines please raise your hand."

I here the teacher say and I raise my hand and he comes to my table and sits down beside me and all of the girls are glaring at me so I look back out the window and here someone say something to me. "Hey so what is your name." Bill says to me as I turn to him. "My name is Dipper Pines." I say not caring because he will forget my name later. "Nice name can I be your friend Dipper." Bill says to me and I'm shocked he remembered my name and I also blush because at high school I have no friends and woould really like yo have some.


So that was the first chapter and my first fanfic so I hope you guys like it

1132 words

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