Something in the dark

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Mike slept for the entire day and finally woke from his beautiful sleep at 8:05 pm.
Mike: agh- he scratches his head and looks around the room he's in. That was the best sleep I've had since fourth grade....Mike decided to go out of the room and wanted go to the kitchen and see if there is anything to eat, but as he left the room, he felt something behind him.... Something, cold and dark. Mike looked behind him while he was ready to use his mad karate skills. Before he could, the figure looked like Freddy, but for some reason, the cold and dark breeze didn't make mike feel any better being around the them.
F-freddy, what are you doing here? Mike said while observing the look a like Freddy.

????: Hehhehe... ~

Mike: ugh...? Freddy....?

??: Glitches and growing bigger while smirking.

Mike: WHAT THE HELL? Mike felt trapped and was getting terrified as he got flash backs of a man torturing children and putting them in suits to hide the corpses.

???: heheheh~ die... ~......DIE~

Mike: Couldn't breath correctly while tears running down his face, until he heard a sudden "BBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" and everything snapped into reality.

Mike:He saw golden Freddy in front of him while tears still running down.

Golden Freddy: He wipes mikes tears away and disappears.

Mike:....Who the hell was that... And what's even going on....? Mike looked around for golden Freddy, but he couldn't find him.

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