Chapter 14: "The Night"

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Emily's POV
I decide to stay with Ali that night, just so she isn't alone.
We haven't moved since we hugged, still in each other's arms on her bed.
I don't want to move, but i'm starting to get uncomfortable from sitting in the same spot.
I pull back from Ali and she looks up at me.
I nod towards the bed and she follows my gaze and gives me a small smile.
She gets under the blankets and I do too.
I'm lying close to her, but not close enough to feel her presence, her warmth.
I slowly put my arms out and when I touch alison's arm, she moves backwards into me.
I wrap my arm around her waste and she finds my hand and joins it with hers.

There's a long pause of silence and she's still stirring a bit so she isn't asleep.
"Ali?" I whisper. She moves a little but then turns to face me.
Our faces are centimetres apart.
"Yeah?" She whispers, not breaking eye contact with me.
I feel her shift slightly under me, so that we're even closer together.
I can feel her breath on my face, it's warm.
I get lost in her eyes, her piercing blue eyes, how could I not?
She looks quickly at my lips and looks back into my eyes.
I look at hers, wrapping me arm tighter around her waste, pulling her even closer to me.
She moves slowly towards me, my heart is racing.
It happens in slow motion, our lips meet.
Her warm, soft lips cause fireworks to set off in me.
Our lips move in sync before her tongue gently presses against my bottom lip, which makes me part my lips slightly allowing her access.
Our tongues clash and fight for dominance, but I win.
I roll over so that I'm on top of her.
She cups my face in her hands as we share passionate kisses.
Her hand moves to the back of my head and she grips my hair while I slowly move down her neck and start sucking. She lets out a soft moan before whispering to me.
"Don't leave a mark"
She's right, if the girls saw that Ali had a hickey, all fingers would be pointing at me.
I part from her before looking directly into her eyes and nodding.
She pulls me back down and our lips clash again.

She start kissing down my jawline and starts sucking on my neck.
Her hands move down, resting on the small of my back.
Her hands maneuver under my shirt, moving around my back.
Her touch makes me weak. Before I know it,
Her hands move down to my pants line.

I quickly pull away from her lips. "Ali I can't" I pant, she nods and gives me a small smile.
I roll off her and lye beside her.
She snuggles into me and rests her head on my chest.
Soon enough her breathing evens out and she's asleep.

I regret it, I don't know what the feeling is, if it's a feeling of regret or
a feeling that I know i'm in love with her.
I push my thoughts aside.
It's only like 3pm, but I feel exhausted.
I soon fall asleep.

Hannas POV
"Tell us." Spencer insists.
We've been at the brew for an hour, I can't remember if we even ordered anything yet.
Aria and Spencer have been trying to question me about Lucas.
The truth is, I see Lucas as a really good friend that i need a good catchup with.
Like come on, would you not laugh or smile if your friend texted you about how a bird flew into their room when they woke up and shit on their face?
That's what lucas told me and I couldn't help but laugh at it.
Oh my god Spencer and Aria were acting so weird when he walked past, he must think I told them about what he said.
Thanks guys for that.
"Guys you know I laugh really easily, does it matter who makes me laugh?" I ask, getting irritated.
"In this case, yes" Spencer laughs. Aria nudges her.
"You're right Hanna, we'll stop" Aria smiles.
Thank god.
"Can we actually order something now?" I sigh, relieved that the questioning has stopped.
Spencer smiles and nods, standing up.
"What do ye want?" She asks, looking at me and Aria.
"Latte" Aria states, sitting back in her chair.
Spencer looks at me and raises her eyebrows.
"Surprise me" I smile and tilt my head.
Spencer rolls her eyes and smiles.

She walks away to order our drinks.

"So" I say, leaning forward. I feel like she knows what I'm going to ask her.
"Ezra." I smirk and raise my eyebrows.
He suppressed smile forms into a blush and she looks at her hands.
I fly back in my chair and point at her.
"Yes!" I screech. Her eyes widen and she motions for me to stop.
"Hanna!" She says accusingly, trying not to laugh.
She looks around and nods at me.
My smile spreads across my face.
I love Ezra and Aria, it's such a cute love story, almost like something off a tv show.
"I'm having dinner at his apartment later" She smiles.
"What's for dinner?" I ask, and pause.

"You?" I laugh. "HANNA!" Aria squeals, shocked at my humor.
"Sorry!" I laugh, my stomach in stitches.
"This conversation ends here." She says, putting her head in her hands jokingly.
I laugh again as spencer comes back with our drinks.

Alison's POV
I don't know if I regret what happened or not.
I definitely wouldn't want the girls to know me and Emily kissed, never mind her giving me a hickey.
I wake up before Em.
It's only 5 o clock but it felt like I slept for hours.
I slowly climb out of bed without waking her and go downstairs.

"M-mom?" I say, looking at the woman who died years before.
She's standing in my kitchen, drinking what looks like tea, very much alive.
"Hi Alison." She says, looking up at me.
My eyes widen.
It's really her?
"Oh sorry! I'm not your mother." She laughs a little.
I tilt my head slightly, confused about the situation.
"I'm Mary Drake, her twin sister." She says, smiling and putting out her arm to shake my hand.
I'm frozen and can't seem to move, but I manage to shake her hand, not blinking an eye.
"Am, nice to meet you?" I say unsurely.
I never knew my mom had a sister, a twin sister.
"Do you not know who I am? Surely you remember me." She states, putting down her tea and crossing her arms. She leans back on the counter,
analyzing me.
"No I never knew my mother had a sister." I say truthfully, shaking my head in disbelief.
"She never told you." She says blankly, looking out the window.
"Well I guess she didn't have the chance to." She sighs.
I wince, thinking back on my mothers death.
"So what are you doing in Rosewood" I ask, trying to change the subject.
"I was passing through and said that i'd stop by and see how things are going." She smiles.
The resemblance of her and my mother is uncanny.
Same hair, same smile, same... sick look in their eyes.
It's almost as if they're the same person.
"I visited Charolettes grave." She frowns, looking down at her now cold tea.
"What do you remember of her?" I ask, interested on the stories of what she has to tell.
I sit down on the couch and she follows me over and sits across from me.
"Most of my memories of her were when she was-" Mary coughs and looks down. She pauses.
"Before she transitioned." She sighs.
"It was tough, finding out that my son actually wants to be a girl, my daughter." She pauses again and looks up at me.
"I know you remember her before that, when she was called Charles."
It's true, I do remember playing with a boy with blonde hair when I was so young.
"Yeah I do" I smile slightly and she smiles back.
"I tried my best as a mother" She says, her voice cracking at 'mother'.
"But when Jessica found out about Charles wearing dresses and wigs, she went ballistic." I see tears in her eyes but she wipes them away quickly.
"That's when she checked her into Radley Sanitarium" She sighs again, looking back up at me.
"I never got to see her, unless it was sneaking around."
I nod, understanding her.
That line sinks deep into me.
It reminds me of the risks I took to get to see Emily more than the others.
How I risked my life to save hers, even though she still thought I was dead.
"I understand Mary" I say, referring to her line.
She smiles and nods.
"Lets change the subject shall we?" She laughs a little, taking shaky breaths to try and hold back tears.
I smile at her and sit back in the chair.

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