Chapter 6: "Forest"

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Hey so I didn't think this story would get some popularity so if you wanna leave suggestions in the comments feel free and I get inspired by things and that gives me inspiration to write a chapter.
And basically I was listening to
Forest By Twenty One Pilots and
I got an idea for this chapter. Enjoy!

Alison's POV
I wake up and groan.
I feel around for Emily but I can tell her presence isn't there.
I slowly sit up and look around. Where did she go?
I get up and hear shouts coming from outside. I go over to the window and see Paige and Emily angrily shouting at each other. That's when it happens, Paige slaps Emily hard across the face. I freeze, shock. She hurt her. Emily starts walking back inside. She opens the door and slams it shut. "Em-" I say. She looks at me. "I'm fine" she's spits and goes upstairs.
i don't know what to do. I don't want to push her on this. She just needs time to calm down. On the other hand, Paige needs to know not to mess with Emily.
I put on a hoody and walk out of the house quietly.
"Hey pigskin!" I shout as Paige walks towards her car.
"Oh! isn't it Alison dilaurentis! The dead girl!" She snarks.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I spit, crossing my arms.
"I'm here to see my girlfriend" She smiles.
I want to give her what she deserves.
I don't just slap her, I punch her, hard.
She steps back, not expecting me to hit her.
"Well I guess you haven't changed." She scolds. "Here you are, leading Emily on like its a sport to you" She begins, I open my mouth to speak but she talks before I say anything "You have her fooled Alison, she's blind to who you really are. A cold hearted bitch. And you know it."
"All those years," She says, wiping blood from her nose.
"Of being tormented, mocked, watching more and more people become victims of you and your sick ideas" She takes a step towards me. I stand tall, my arms still crossed.
"And God, I was relieved when you went missing." Paige smirks, looking around her.
"And I'm sure loads of people were too" She finishes. I glare at her.
How dare she bring up what happened in high school.
"Paige I suggest you leave." I tell her, turning away from her. I don't regret anything that I've said or done to Paige, in fact, she deserves every insult I put on her.
"And Alison before I go."

"You're dead to me" She turns and walks away quickly.
Great, I have that to deal with.
I exhale and walk back to the house.
I look around to see if Emily was watching, which she wasn't, thank god.
I let what Paige said sink in. It's true what she said about Emily.
She'll never see the real me, her feelings for me will always mask that side of me for her.
I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Emily's POV
I grab my jacket. I feel my walls building up again, I can't cry, I don't want to.
Maybe if I build up my walls, I'll be safer, no one can hurt me then.
I put a hand on my cheek, which is still stinging. I wince.
I pick up my bag and quickly walk downstairs.
I see Alison at the corner of my eye. She's sitting there, probably waiting for me.
I can tell she's looking at me, she doesn't say anything, she just lets me leave.
When I close the door behind me, I start running.
I don't know where to, but I keep running and I can't stop.
My vision is blurry from the tears in my eyes. I don't look at my surroundings, I just keep running.

When I run out of breath, I stop and look around.
A forest. The trees are tall and big.
I stand still and listen.
I listen to the sound of the birds singing, the leaves swaying and I sit down on a rock in the clearance.
I take deep breaths. And close my eyes.
I listen to the sounds again, I hear everything. I start to feel calm.

Until I hear something or someone step on a branch.
My eyes shoot open.
"Who's there?" I question, looking around the clearance.
I see something red behind a bush.
"Ali? Is that you?" I squint my eyes.
Which makes things look a little not right. I look at the red object again.
I gasp. "Maya?" I whisper.
The red emerges from the bush.
"Is that really you" I ask. They have their hood covering their face. I squint my eyes more. Now I see it. Maya takes off her hood.
"I don't understand" I say calmly. She starts walking towards me. "How come I can only see you when I squint my eyes?" I ask, continuing squinting my eyes, fearing she'll disappear if I stop.
"Oh Emily," she smiles and takes my hand, sitting beside me on the rock.
"Anything you adore takes a different form when you do." She implies, I look at her confused. She's blurry, but I don't want to stop squinting.
"I miss you" I smile, pulling her into a hug.
"I miss you too Em" She giggles.
"Maya I don't know what to do" I admit, looking at her.
"About Paige and Alison, I don't want to choose, I don't know what's going to happen. I'm scared"
Maya gives me a small smile and stands up.
"Emily, take some food for thought." She begins.
"You need to stop being terrified of what's around the corner, of your future."
I pause. The last time I took some food for thought, it was poison.
Maya checks her watch.
At this point, my eyes are tired of squinting.
"I best be going" She sighs. "Please remember me." She whispered and planted a soft kiss on my cheek.
She skips away, singing a song that most people would know.
Got a secret, can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save,
Better lock it in your pocket,
Taking this one to the grave
And if I show you I know you
Wont tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of them is dead.
I stop squinting.
She's gone.
I don't know how long I've been gone but surely it's only been an hour or so.
I start walking out of the forest.
The words please remember me repeating over and over again in my head.

A/N I'm going to start doing the POVs of the other liars to build up the plot more

Arias POV
I lie back in my bed. I feel so bad for Emily, I just want to hug her and never let go, she deserves way better than to be treated like shit by her girlfriend. Maybe Paige has changed? Maybe she's treating her right now. I don't know.
I open my drawer and pull out my old camera. The one I've had since high school.
I love going through the pictures on it.
There's pictures from the day I first became friends with Ali and the others. There's pictures of our first sleepover together, there's pictures of.. the night Ali went missing. I didn't take a lot of pictures after that.
I continue looking through the pictures until I get to a picture from 2010.
The day I first met Ezra at the bar.
We took a picture together in the bathroom that day. I never wanted to forget that moment. I smile at it.
Ezra is a distant memory to me. I haven't seen him in 5 years and I plan not to see him any time soon.
I don't even know what's going on in his life right now.
All I do know is that he's a successful author.
I sigh. It would be nice to catch up with him.

As friends.
I take out my phone and start typing a message.
Hey Ezra it's me Aria. So I was wondering if you wanted to get a coffee at the brew, seeing as we haven't talked in a long time I wanted to catch up with you.
I hit send. I tap my phone a few times, waiting for a reply.
My phone beeps.
Oh hey! Yeah that sounds great! How about in about an hour?
I smile
Sure! see you then.

I smile again and turn off my phone.
I put on a pair of jeans and a shirt and fix my hair a little.

Unforgettable (Emison)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن