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"Whoa, what the fuck?" I looked around the hospital room.

The doctor guy was standing over me with a smile on his face, like he was waiting for me.

"Missed major organs by millimeters. You're very lucky"

"Y'all fixed me?"

"Yes. You're patched up, and the blood transfusion went well"

"Who's blood do I got?"

"Your father's"

I looked past the doctor to see dad staring at the wall.

"I'll give you two some time to talk" He nodded at me before walking out.

I really didn't have anything to say.

"I didn't mean it when I told you that I didn't love you. I thought that you would feel how I feel when you say that to me, but you don't care" He pushed his glasses up.

I did care, but I wouldn't tell him that.

"Thanks for sharing your blood, I guess"

He didn't respond, and went back to staring at the wall.

I sighed, and ran my fingers over the patch near my stomach.

It was numb, and I didn't feel anything.

"Who was it?"

"Some kid named Jaiden. I don't know"

He nodded his head, and stood up before leaving. "Don't die"

Grandma came in with dad's girlfriend.

"Oh, I told you to stop rough housing with those uneducated idiots. Byron, I almost had a heart attack" She popped me on my leg.

"I'm already hurting, mama. Don't bruise me"

"You're grounded" She shook her head. "You say bye to your freedom"

I sucked my teeth. "Bye"

"I'm going to go get you food from the cafeteria. You stay right there, and don't move"

"Where imma go? I'm grounded at the hospital"

Mama left, and it was just me and the girl.

"What's your name?" I questioned.

I blocked out the whole conversation the day she came for dinner.

"Iniko. Hi"

I went quiet, and stared up at the ceiling.

"What you like about him?"

"His character, the way he carries himself, everything really"

"You ain't a hoe tryna get saved? Like that Lenora girl I fucked?"

I didn't think that her name was Lenora, but I couldn't remember it if I tried.

"No. We don't live together, and I don't spend any of his money"

"You know he got asthma?"


"Well I don't like you. You replacing my mom, and don't even tell me that that bitch in prison is my mom cause she not. Tameryn is my mom"

"I'm not trying to replace her"

"That's that played out line, and then I'm supposed to like you, but nah. It's not happening. I'll hate you in peace mostly though"


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