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"You're not breathing right" Iniko sat down on my lap.

I blinked, and scanned over her face.

"I'm just thinking"

She cupped my face. "You sure do worry me alot"

"I'm worried a lot. I guess I'm rubbing off on you"

"What are you worried about?"

"Everything, because I have nothing to worry about"

"You have something to worry about, because you have nothing to worry about?"

"If that makes sense"

"It does to me"

"Somethings missing"

"You have a void to fill"

"Half the time, I don't know what to do with myself. I would consider myself successful, but I don't do anything with it. What's the point?"

Iniko got off of me, and pulled me off of the couch.

"Lets go for a drive. Gas is on me"

"Where to?"

"Anywhere, you choose"


I could've taken her to a restaurant, or the movies, or to some art exhibit. . .

But I found myself parked outside of the club.

"Oh, I've never been here before"

"I worked with an interior designer on it for months"

"Was she cute?" Iniko asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He wasn't my type"

"Just checking" She smiled and rushed over to open the door for me.

"That's different" I commented, and tossed her the keys.


I stood behind the bar, and watched as Iniko examined every single aspect  of the club.

"Is there vagina juice on the pole?"

My face flushed red. "I don't - probably think no"

I cringed at my broken english, and turned my back to her.

She hopped on the counter, and reached out infront of me, taking my glasses off.

"I can't see anymore"

"That's the point, Bryson. You're not as nervous when you don't know what you're looking at"

"I can still hear you"

I was met with silence.

And then the lights cut off.

The only thing that shone was the lonely emergency light.


I could hear her creeping around, but I just didn't know where she was

I had to close my eyes and think.

I knew the club. I knew my way around it.

So I started to look for Iniko, and just when I was about to give up, she stood right under the emergency light.

I walked over to meet up with her.

"You're a very-"

She forced her lips onto mine, and we both started to back up.

My mind went blank before I started to freak out.

I twisted my lips to the side. "Iniko, I can't kiss"

"You're the best damn kisser in the world to me"

I shook my head no, and Iniko put her hand on my red cheek, before wrapping her other arm around my waist.

"We're. . .close" I said, and I could feel myself starting to shake, as I looked down at the blur that was Iniko.

She put my glasses on.

"When was the last time you had sex?"

"I can't do sex either"

"I'm not forcing you to have sex or anything, but why not?"

"Asthma. It's just a situation that I'm not comfortable with"

I didn't want to have an asthma attack during sex. The thought of it was embarrassing enough.

Iniko let go of me, and walked over to the bar.

"Lets talk then. I'm cool with just talking"

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you"


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