the interview.

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I woke up in my bed a smile on my face as I realised Riley must have moved me. I got up after a bit of a struggle and trying to not wake Riley up. "Please let me have a relaxing morning, before you play up."I sigh just before a kick is felt followed by three more. I heave myself out of bed and struggle down the stairs. *ring*
(M=manager Maya=Maya)
Maya= hello?
M=good morning maya... Good morning America wants to do an interview with you?"
Maya=oh, ok.
M=its at two.
M= ok, well make sure you have a song or two together in case they want you to sing.
Maya=sure no problem.
M= okay well bye superstar, your going rock that place.
I hang up the phone and check the time its ten. I do myself some pancakes before eating them and going to get dress. I pick out a dress and get a shower letting the hot water fall down my body. I get out and put on my outfit, I put on some music and blow dry my hair before going downstairs to the piano. I get out my newest music and pick two songs out going over them once again making sure I remember every word. I check the time and its half past twelve, I smile and deside to make pancakes for Riley, Mum, Auggie and dads not here he's at work. "Hey peaches" Riley mumbles rubbing her eyes. "Hey honey." I smiled giggling a little before setting down the pancakes after puting cream and a tone of stawberrys on. "yummy pancakes, thank you Maya." Riley said more awake. "Welcome, whats Mums and Auggies favourite toppings riles." I questioned. "Mums is lemon and sugar and auggies is chocolate ice cream and strawberrys." She replied as I went to get the ice cream. I placed the ice cream on before adding strawberry and doing mums. "What smells so nice?" Mum grumbled. "PANCAKES YAY, THANK YOU MAYA!" Auggie smiled sittng at the table. "Maya you didn't have too baby." Mum smiled. "You welcome Auggie and I know I wanted to." I smiled back. "Hey, I have an interview with Good morning America, at two hope you don't mind." I say grabbing Rileys plate and begining to wash it. "OK baby." Mum said. "Can I come" Auggie mumbled into a mouth full of food making us laugh. "Ok, but it is one now." I laugh. I don't have to say any more because mum and Auggie scuff down there last pieces before Riley runs up stairs closely followed by them. I giggle to my self before doing the dishes and getting my things together. "Done, peaches how come your hair or makeup isn't done?" Riley asked. "I have a hair sylist and makeup stylist" I smiled. "Oh ok." Riley said. "Ok were done. " mum smiled walking in with Auggie. "Ok lets go then." I say going to my phone and texting my manager to tell her were leaving. I instantly get a text back saying that it will be crowded with fans so she will send a limo, I nod to my self before putting my phone in my bag. "My manager is sending a limo as my fans will be everywhere." I smiled "YAY!" Auggie yelled. "OH MY GOD, a limo I have never been in one!" Riley exclaimed. "Baby she doesn't have to!" Mum said "you will love it, and mum she says she wants to plus if my fans are there I have to arrive in style." I giggled just as my phone goes telling me the limo is here. We go out side and I see that Auggie and Riley are jumping around excitedly and mum is smiling. "Hi, miss Carpenter im Charlie your new limo driver" The limo driver smiled opening the car and letting me in before my family followed. "Thank you  Charlie" I nod as we set of. "It takes about ten minutes before were there and I instantly hear my fans,

Riley's POV
It was so cool the limo was amazing I felt like a kid on Christmas day. "Thank you Charlie." Maya smiled before getting out, the scream of her fans got louder. It was amazing, so many people were all around. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MAYA, CAN ME AND MY FRIEND HAVE A PICTURE?" One girl yelled over everyone else. A man came quickly to Maya's side, he looked strong and muscluer like the kind of guy who you would see being a security officer at a club, but even stronger, "Hi David, its ok." Maya smiled. I figuered he was her security guard. "Hi, whats your name." Maya asked the girl that screamed. "HI OMG I CANT BELIEVE YOU ARE SPEAKING TO ME.I mean my names Lucy and this is Rose my friend were huge fans!" The girl smiled brightly. "Well hi there Lucy, hi Rosey thank you I love you guys to do you both want a picture?" Maya asked, the girls simply nodded getting there phones out and doing there password before giving them Maya. Maya took a few pictures before saying goodbye and going to some more fans. "Bye you guys, I love you all." She smiled to all her fans earning a load of screams and I love you's of everyone. She smiled and waved once more before walking away and into the building."Hi Maya, im Lauren and this is Sarah." Lauren smiled. "Hi, you must be my hair sylist and makeup artist. Its very nice to meet you." Maya smiled sweetly. I cant help but smile at this. "I will see you guys in a few." Maya said walking away with Lauren and Sarah. Maya came back looking stunning her curls looked even more curly and she had a crown on the top. She had the most golden eye shadow that stood out but not to dark, and her eye lashes were so long.She had some high heels on and was changed into a flowing dress. Her skin was flawless and her cheeks were a light shade of red. She was still short but taller with her high heels. "Hey how do I look?" Maya said. "Amazing." Mum replies. "Yeah you look beautiful peaches." I smile. "Maya your on in one." A women smiled. "Ok thank you." She replied adjusting her dress before going out.

Mayas POV
I adjusted my dress to a look in the mirror and walked out. Fans in the audience emediantly screamed and clapped. "Ok honey, if you don't want to awnser just say I don't know." A women smiled. "Ok thank you." I nodded. "Were on in 3,2,1!" A man yelled. "Good morning America welcome back im Tiffany and today we have the amazing one and only Maya Carpenter." She smiled as the audience screamed and the camera moved to me. "Hi Good morning America im so exited to be here thank you for having me Tiffany." I smiled sweetly into the camera. "Ok lets speak about your babies... how along are you?" Tiffany smiled.

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