the begining

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"I cant help you if you wont tell me Maya!" My best friend yells. I just sit there how I have been for the last hour. "MAYA!" Lexi my best freind yells. "Im pregnant" I whisper. "What Maya speak up" lexi sighs. I just sit quiet I want to tell her but I cant. I cant if I do it meane its real. I just sit there and hope im dreaming.

Lexis pov
I just want to help her, ive never seen her like this. It scares me. I sit at the window where Maya is. "maya please tell me." I sign and move her head so she is looking at me. There is no emotional in her eyes, I wipe a single tear that falls down her cheek before I stare her right in the eyes. "Maya tell me!" I yell.

Mayas pov
"I ..." I cant tell her , she will hate me. "MAYA, TELL ME I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT!!!" Lexi screamed. After a minute or two I stood up and went to my bathroom. I stood at my mirror and turned around to see Lexi. I just clapsed in her arms and I just cried. Lexi sat me down on the floor in her arms.

Lexis pov
I have never seen Maya cry like this. "Please tell me Maya." I beg. "MAYA... MAYA TELL ME" I yelled maybe to hard. "IM PREGNANT LEXI" Maya screames before breaking into tears even worse. Im so shocked part of me is angry and the rest of me is scared. "How,who?" Is all I get out.

Mayas pov
Thats the worst part I dont know who. After I carmed down I began to speak. "I dont know who.It was at the party we went to. I must have got to drunk and well one thing led to another. scared L..lexi." I tell her. She just stares at me. "Have you told your dad and what about everyone else?" Lexi asks. "No thats what im scared of" I sigh. "You have to tell him Maya now." Lexi tells me. "Ok but you should go " I sigh. Lexi gets here bag and gives me a hug before she leaves. "Dad can I speak to you?" I sigh. "Quickly" he says sharply. I take in a deep breath bracing myself for whats about to happen "I'm p.p...pregnant." I manage to say before his hand connect with my face. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR PREGNANT YOU!" he screams in my ear while pulling on my hair.
"DAD.." I yell before he intrupts me "THIS BETTER BE SOME SICK JOKE!" he screams. "No its not" I gulp. His fist connected with my face then my eye . "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU WORTHLESS PERSON AND NEVER COME BACK" he spat at me before he grabbed me and litrally threw me outside. I picked my self up trying to hold back my tears .I begin to get dizzy and light headed but all I could think about was getting me and my baby safe. I found a bus stop before I hit the floor. The last thing I remeber is darkness and the screams of people yelling my name.

The next day
I awake in a unfamiliar place. I sat up slowly my head was ringing, I looked around and it all came back. Im alone, im homeless, pregnant and alone. I force myself to get up of the floor no matter how hard it is. I look around and find a open restaurant. I slowly go in and take my place at a table. I just needed to sit down and think everything through. I sit down and take a few deep breaths before I go pale . I walk to the restroom before I kneel over and throw up, a young girl about my age hears me and holds my hair back. After a few minutes I get back up. "Thanks you didn't have to do that." I say to the girl. "Oh dont worry about it, are you not well? I can take you home if you like." She replys in a sweet voice. She had brown hair and brown eyes to match. She had a some what care free attitued and reminded me of a child preshious, fragile and full of joy all together. Unlike me with my blonde curls and careless attitude.
" I'm ok thanks I am going away, we just stoped here. I just get travel sick thats all."I looked at her and quickly lied. "Wait you look fimiliar" she says looking at me closely. "Sory but I have never seen you before" I quickly say. "Ok,what happened to your head and eye not to mention your  body in general?" She asked examinating the marks. " oh lets just say I owed a few people and they weren't happy." I lie. "Ok so where you going ?" She questioned.
"Erm America,new York were moving there." I say before I can think. "Oh cool, I live in new York were actually on are way back there. Im Riley by the way." She giggled. "Nice, I am Maya" I smile. "Well I have to get going maybe I will see you later Maya." Riley said before she left. Yeah maybe, just maybe.

I know its crazy but I cant get out my head that moving far away is the best idea. So thats it what im doing. My car is out side my well my dads house. I get out and get the spare key, my dad is out at work which means he is out getting smashed. I walk in and the house is the same stait glass bottles smashed and cigerets all over the floor. I grab my suit case from the loft and start filling it with clothes. After it is full as much as I get it I take two more there my dads and a spare, but im moving so yeah. Once I have filled the three suit cases. I grab as many bags as I can find a start filling them with anything and everthing possible. I quickly make sure to go and grab all my things from the bathroom. After a while I grab my hand bag and put all my things like books and stuff in. I get gum, my phone and phone charger and then my box with all my special and important things in. I run down stairs and grab as much food as I can which isnt much as there is never anything in before runing back up to my dads room. I climb on his bed and grab the bag with my money in. It was money my mum left in her will for me before she died. Also money from child benifits and money from my family and friends from my birthdays. I lastly grab the three bankcards I have before making sure everything is back in its place. I make my way to my car and manage to shove all three suitcases in the boot and the twenty three bags I have in the back. What? I have an obsetion with backs ok and I am moving. I also managed to get a couple boxes full of bedding and decerations. Wallpaper and lastly a box full of food from a shop I stopped at. I go to the currency changer and got my dollars before going to the airport. "Passengers of flight 123 going to new York please make your way to your plane." The speaker called out. Thats me. So here I am on a plane to new York.

AN-picture At the top is Maya.

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