The truth

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One and a half hours me and Riley have been sitting quietly crying every so often. "So...are you ok?" Riley asked me with concern in her face. "I don't know how about you?" I whispered even though I knew I wasn't ok. " I'm fine" Riley smiled though it came out as a frown. "Riles please don't pretend your ok" I beg. "Maya you are hurting way more than me she's your mum and you thought she was dead" Riley almost whispered. I let out a little sigh " Yes Riley and you have the right to not be ok as well. Tell me the truth how are you?" I sternly ask Riley starring into her eyes. "I don't know everything is just confusing" Riley sighed. Riley pulled me into a hug and we just sat there. I let out a huge sigh and took a few deep breaths before holding Riley even harder. "Riley,Maya please let me come explain everything." My mum yells through the door. I sighs once more before pulling away from Riley slightly so I could see her eyes. Riley rolled her eyes slightly before a frown falls onto her face. "Just ignore her,she will go" Riley sighed. I just sat quietly as my eyes slipped away from hers. "Maya you can't be serious,you really are going to forgive her?" Riley snapped. "No of course not but I want answers Riley" I sigh. "Answers,what answers? She left you maya and I know you shouldn't be forgiving her!" Riley yelled. "Yes BUT SHE LEFT ME RILEY! SHE LEFT ME,FAKED HER OWN DEATH AND SHE WENT JUST LIKE THAT. SHE WAS GONE I HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW WHY SHE LEFT WITHOUT ME!" I screamed. "...I'm sorry Maya it's just I have never been so angry and am nor sure how to handle it." Riley whispered. I walked to the door slowly turning the nob. "You have 5 minutes." I snapped. "Deal" mum began. "4 minutes 58 seconds." I mummbled before sitting down next to Riley. "Ask me anything" Mum smiled. "Are we sisters?" Riley questioned. "Step sister, Peyton is your dad and after I moved her I reconected to Peyton. Your birth mother is Rowan Blanchard she was my best friend, she died giving birth to you. Payton was her boyfriend band my friend. I had always loved him and he loved me to but he also loved Rowan. When I moved in with Peyton I pretended to be rowan and pretending to be in love with him stired up old feelings. We began to fall in love again and eventually fall deeply in love, we got married making the two of you step sister's. Auggie is your full brother and mayas." Mum rambled. I stared at rowan who had tears in her eyes, I placed my hand on hers before she took hold of it, I gave it a quick squeeze. "Any other questions" Mum mumbled quietly. The room was silent for a while. "Why did you leave."I whispered so quietly you could barley hear. "What?" Mum questioned. "Why did you leave, was I not good enough? Do you hate me?" I whispered louder a tear falling down my face. "What no of course not Maya I love you and it was not your fault. Your farther he wasn't the best man to be with. He was always drinking, he would get angry quickly and sometimes hurt me. It wasnt bad but he hurt me, he said he was going to kill me so I went to say good bye to you. Your dad was going to murder me and he told me to go, run and never come back. So I did but I was going to go back to get you but I couldnt. Your dad convinced tbe police I was dead, somehow im not sure how. I came back for you when you were6 but you were a little girl who had a dad and a dead , um. You didnt know I was alive and would never have believed me, when I tryed to see you you just cryed." My mum cryed. Tears fell down my face I didnt know what to say, Riley squeezed my hand. "Please im sorry girl."mum cryed. "I forgive you"Riley whispered. "Maya do you" mum questioned, Riley looked at me with wide eyes. I got up and run up to my mum embracing her in a huge hug. "Im sorry, I forgive you." I whispered hugging her more,which she gladly returns. After a few minutes we let go to meet a nervous Riley bitting her lip. "Riles what is it?" I questioned. "What is wrong is that Sabrina is ment to be dead, your wanted and famous not to mention you are 16..." Riley began before I gave her a look that told her to stop. "We will sort it all out wait 16 what? " Mum asked confused. "Well you see,im kind of pregnant."I yelped waiting for my punishment but there was no yelling, no hitting and no darkness instead a soft hand lifting my head up amd eyes meeting mine. "Oh hunny, do you think im going to hurt you. I would never why would you think that?" Mum questioned. "Dad did." I whispered. "Oh hunny" mum said leaning over and giving me a hug.

AN- Next chapter is the gender reveal what do you think it will be a boy or a girl? Btw there is a twist!

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