The truth?

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"Well what is Charlotte?" Riley asked. "Dont call me that!" I yell "well that is your name" Rileys says confused. "No, Riley I have been lying to you and im sorry for that. I didnt no what else to do." I began "oh ok, it cant be that bad. No matter what I am still your friend ok" Riley says taking my hand. " I,I..." I try to say my hands are trembling. "Riley im not Charlotte and never have been" I gulp as I take out the contacts and I take a deep breath before...

Riley's pov
She is scaring me what does she mean she not Charlotte of course she is Charlotte, right? Omg shes wearing contacts. What the hell she is wearing a wig. I gasp loudly as I see whats under the wig. It cant be, No its not. "Maya!?"I yelled shocked at what I see. "Riley please dont be mad, I am so sorry." She said.begining to cry. "P-p-promise me you won't tell anyone.Im so sorry Riley I will go" She said in floods of tears. I am angry but I am also so happy , I grab Charlotte I mean Maya back down and pull her into a  hug. Ten minutes have past and were still hugging. "Riley please say something" Maya said breaking the hug. "Why" is all I got out. "Riley I cant." She began "YOU SAID WE WERE BEST FRIENDS SO WHY CANT YOU TELL ME!" I yelled "Fine but you have to promise you wont tell anyone ok!" She said "ok" I replied. "No promies she demanded. "I promies" I  replied. "I have lied to you from the first time I met you. When I was seven my mum died, ever since it was me and my dad.When you saw me my bruises and markes weren't of unhappy people but my dad." She told me "Wait he abuses you?" I asked "abused" she corrected . "anyway I went to a party with my friend and found out I was ..." She  carried on before stopping. "Maya its ok.What did you find out?" I said taking her hand. "When you saw me frowing up it wasn't that I was travel sickness it was because i-i-im pregnant." She whispered.OMG was I  hearing right "did you say your pregnant" I asked
"Y-y-yes. Anyway I told my dad and I guess it was just  the last straw he hit me and then kicked me into the  streets, so I moved over here by myself and pretended to be Charlotte." She said "wait so your living alone." I ask in disbelief. "Yes but I have a realy nice apartment and a lot of money." She replied. "Yes but Cha, Maya your also pregnant, let me help you." I pleaded. "Riley im fine really and you cant tell anyone you promised. "So tell me a bit about your mum" I say  changing the subject. "Well she was lovely but then she was murdered." She began "murdered, did they find  who did it?"I asked consirned. "No but I think she knew about it and I have a good idea to. She came to me the night before and told me how much she was going to miss me and how she was going to be a angel." She said a single teat fell down her cheek. "Awww Maya im so sorry, wait OMG you think it was your dad dont you." I whisper. "I am sure it is him he went out the night my mum was murdered, I was to scared to go to sleep so I stayed up. He came in just after the time they said my mum died. He went for a shower and I creeped down stairs. There was his and my mums clothes in blood and a gun." She whispered in floods of tears. "OMG Maya I am so sorry! Did you tell anyone." I asked pulling her into a hug. She sighed "Of course I did but they  wouldn't believe me I was just some trumitised seven year old who was in bed at that time." She cried. "What was your mums name?" I asked. "Sabrina carpenter." She said like it was normal. "Sabrina carpenter! Like the Sabrina Carpenter! OMG I KNEW I RECOGNIZED YOU FROM SOMEWHERE YOU M" is all I could say before her hand was on my mouth. "Shhh yes ok im May Carpenter ok thats my stage name but my real name is maya.Now promies me you  wont scream or shout" She says I just nod. My best friend is may! For you people who don't know who May is she is a actor, singer and song writer and an amazing one! May, Maya moves her hand "what now?" She sigh "You have to tell everyone." I say. "I cant, the poperozzi will be everwhere." She Whisper's. "Hey isnt that May Carpenter" a girl across the stress yells. "Duck down" Maya whispers pulling me down. After ten minutes we get back up. "I know Maya but you have no choice." I whisper. "I know but I have to tell everyone else first. Riley what am I going to do. I cant tell them im pregnant they will freak out!" She sighs. "Yes you can Maya, you can and you will because your strong." I tell her. "Riley I can't, how can I handle this by myself im alone." She cryed "you not alone Maya and you handle  this with me. We do it together, your never be  alone again." I tell her. "Thank you riles, I almost forgot I want you to have this its a ring my mum gave  it to me before she died." she says pulling me into a hug. "Maya I cant take that from you"I tell her. 'Riley I want you to have it, my mum told me to give it to someone who means the world to me, who I would do anything fpr and s-s-someone I l-love thats you Riley,I love you, you realy are my best friend" she crys "I love you two maya." I smiled. I put the ring on and Maya put here's on, Maya said her mum gave her two one for her and the other for me I guess. She said it was a promies ring, it ment we will always be best friends no matter what. Maya and me fell asleep after hours of talking and talking.

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