The original scritp

Start from the beginning

Yours truly
Starla Rogers

Aphmau: Why did you go out there?!
Starla: How was I supposed to he would wake up?!
Aaron: didn't you help your dad fix this kind of stuff before?!
Starla: Not with Springtrap! He wouldn't even let me come here!
Aaron:😐 oh...
Aphmau: Now the other animatronics will be after us!
Starla: Actually, there's something I have to tell you both...
Aphmau: What is it?
Starla: Every animatronic here, except for spring trap... They were... They are my friends
Aaron and Aphmau: WHAT!?!

Aaron: What do you mean they're your friends?!
Starla: If they hadn't found me, No one would have found me and I would have never gotten a home! Remember when we met how shy I was? That was because I had never had any other real friends other then them. They had been there for me ever since then!
Aphmau: You really missed them, that's why you went out there.
Starla: yeah, because this probably would have been the last time I got to see them.
???: Sorry that took so long. I had to tell your dad about Springtrap.
Starla: Finally! Help us get out!
Nate: [unlocks door] C'mon before spring trap sees us!
Aaron: We have to get out of here!
Starla: No! I'm not spending the rest of my life complaining about how I could have stayed and helped unlike before!
Nate: *sigh* You know your dads going to hate for this right?
Aphmau: Are you willing to risk your life to help your friends shut down Springtrap?
Starla: Of corse I am, if I do die at least I died trying!
Aphmau: Ok then, as long as I don't have to see Springtrap to much.
Nate: Well I technically am the real night guard for this place so, I kinda have to do this...
Starla: Aaron your the only one who hasn't agreed to this so, dose that make you a chicken!?!
Aaron: What no! I was just... Debating weather I should or shouldn't.
Aphmau: You hesitated
Aaron: No I didn't!
Nate: Are you in or not?!
Aaron: I guess so...
Starla: Nate your the night gaurd, you decide who will be partners with who. But dont put me with and saying "your my responsibility" because I'm 28 now!
Nate: Ok, you and Aphmau can be Partners.
Aphmau: Nate just a suggestion what if we go with someone we don't know that well?
Nate: That's a good idea So then, Star your with Aaron
Aphmau your with me!
Starla: We can get the mane crew You guys get the toys, Mangle, the puppet master, bb, jj, and, possibly Mark...
Nate: so you know marks not coming.
Starla: Tell him he can make up for that murder he di, again
Aphmau: wait....
Starla: He was scared of the guys and thought he saw foxy oh I almost forgot can you get golden Freddy to?
Nate how bout we all go get Mark?
Everyone: Okay!
Starla: Come on! We're almost there!
Aaron: well I'm trying to make sure we don't get caught!
Starla: Oh right I forgot to tell you guys something...
Aaron: What is it...
Starla: I can turn into an animatronic.
Starla: I didn't want to freak either of you out! Besides I was still shocked on figuring out I could do it!
Aaron: Ok, that makes sense you can get a pass, this time.
Starla: Ok, there they are! Guys it's me!
Freddy: Star! Are you ok?!
Starla: I'm fine Freddy.
Foxy: who's that lad?
Starla: this is Aaron he's my friend from college!
Aaron: who are they
Starla: What kind of person are you!?!
Aaron: I only know the bears name.
Starla: Ok the bunny is Bonnie, The chicken is Chica, and the fox is Foxy.
Aaron: Ok.
Starla: Alright we're forming army against Springtrap and we need everyone you ok with that?
Freddy: as long as no one gets hurt.
Starla: Freddy this is Springtrap, there is a chance someone will get hurt.

At marks house

Star: ok everyone but Nate stay in the car
Mangle: who is Mar riding with?
Nate He's ridding with Aphmau and Aaron. you should probably ride with them on the way back to Star, just so he has someone he knows
Starla: Ok. [Knocks on door]
Mark: Oh hi Starla!... What is he doing here?
Starla: Mark please we need you!
Mark: No way am I dealing with that stupid, murder, thing!
Starla: Well I guess I'll go call my dad and ask him if he can split you payment between me and Nate.
Mark: You wouldn't dare!
Starla: Try me!
Mark: Fine!
Starla: Great! Follow me
Mark: Why aren't we going in Nate's car?
Starla: Do you want to be with the guys?
Mark: I will go in the car your going in!
Starla: good choice! We don't want to get you scared until we have to.
In the other car

Not all of them are bad (1/3) FinnishedWhere stories live. Discover now